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    β-Cryptoxanthin Palmitate Analysis Service

      β-Cryptoxanthin palmitate is a carotenoid ester derived from the esterification of β-cryptoxanthin with palmitic acid. This compound exhibits potent antioxidant properties, neutralizing free radicals and preventing oxidative damage to cells. The esterification significantly enhances the stability and bioavailability of β-cryptoxanthin, thus improving its effectiveness in eye health, skin condition improvement, and immune system enhancement.



      Figure 1. Molecular Structure of β-Cryptoxanthin Palmitate


      β-Cryptoxanthin palmitate is effective in preventing and treating chronic diseases such as macular degeneration, cataracts, and skin aging. It is widely utilized in the development of food and health products as a natural and efficient nutritional supplement. MtoZ Biolabs provides specialized β-Cryptoxanthin Palmitate Analysis Service, combining ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) and mass spectrometry (MS) techniques to deliver accurate and reliable quantitative analysis results, supporting scientific research and clinical applications.


      Analysis Workflow




      Service Advantages

      1. High Sensitivity and Specificity: Use high-resolution mass spectrometry instruments and optimized chromatographic conditions to ensure accurate identification and quantification of β-cryptoxanthin palmitate.


      2. Comprehensive Metabolite Coverage: Detect and analyze β-cryptoxanthin palmitate and its related metabolites, providing a comprehensive metabolic profile.


      3. Dynamic Change Analysis: Monitor dynamic changes in β-cryptoxanthin palmitate levels under different conditions, revealing regulatory mechanisms.


      4. Efficient Data Analysis: Employ professional data analysis platforms to deliver detailed β-cryptoxanthin palmitate information and interpret its biological significance.


      Sample Submission Requirements

      Make sure the sample volume is greater than 0.2 g or 0.2 mL. For detailed sample submission information, please contact our customer service.



      • Monitor β-cryptoxanthin palmitate levels to assess nutritional status and dietary intake.
      • Study the role of β-cryptoxanthin palmitate in preventing eye diseases.
      • Evaluate the antioxidant capacity of β-cryptoxanthin palmitate and its application in antioxidant therapies.
      • Provide scientific evidence for the development of β-cryptoxanthin palmitate-related health supplements and functional foods.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on β-Cryptoxanthin Palmitate

      4. Raw Data

      5. Custom Analysis Report


      Our β-Cryptoxanthin Palmitate Analysis Service provides high-quality data support, advancing your scientific research and applications. For any inquiries or requirements, please contact us.

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