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    Targeted Drug Delivery Service | Precise and Efficacious

    • • Exosome Studies Service

      Exosomes are small vesicles, ranging from 30 to 150 nm in diameter, secreted by live cells. These extracellular vesicles contain a complex mixture of biomolecules, including proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids, derived from the originating cells. Present in a variety of body fluids such as blood, urine, and saliva, exosomes represent a novel intercellular communication system that significantly impacts cellular physiology and is closely associated with the development and progression of various diseases.

    • • Bacterial Contraction Injection System Service

      One of the main obstacles in drug development is how to deliver drugs effectively to target cells. In general, macromolecules such as proteins and mRNA cannot penetrate the cell membrane because the cell membrane has acquired protective mechanisms through evolution. However, viruses can deliver their genetic material into cells. Therefore, viruses and virus-like particles are widely used to deliver DNA, mRNA, and proteins for therapeutic purposes.

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