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    High-Throughout Proteomics Analysis Service for Gene Knockout

      Proteomics is a scientific field that studies the composition, structure, function, and interactions of all proteins in an organism. Its goal is to establish a comprehensive protein information library and understand their roles in life. However, the proteins whose biological functions have been thoroughly studied are still few, and some protein-coding genes still lack relevant annotations. Nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms, a large variety of proteins produced by alternative splicing and post-translational modifications of proteins, make gene annotation more difficult. The emergence of high-throughput gene knockout technology provides a powerful tool for the detection of large-scale protein and their forms. High-throughput gene knockout technology can be used to silence or knockout specific genes to observe changes in the proteome. Combined with high-resolution mass spectrometry, it can be used to analyze protein composition, modifications, and relative abundance.



      Figure 1. Application of High-Throughput Gene Knockout Technology in Proteomics


      The combination of high-throughput gene knockout technology and proteomics provides a new perspective for biological research. By combining these two technologies, researchers can study the impact of specific gene knockouts on the proteome, and identify proteins associated with the knocked-out genes, which help better understand the interactions between genes and proteins, and reveal protein regulatory networks. For example, researchers can determine how the knockout of a specific gene affects protein expression in cancer cells to discover new cancer treatment methods. Furthermore, this combination can also be used to study the mechanisms of various diseases such as neurodegenerative disease, immune disease, and metabolic disorder.


      MtoZ Biolabs, based on the high-resolution proteomics analysis platform combined with high-throughput gene knockout technology, can provide you with a comprehensive solution from gene knockout to proteomics analysis. Our advanced CRISPR/Cas9 system can achieve single/multiple gene knockouts of human/mouse cell lines, primary cells, immune cells, and iPS cells, frameshift mutations, and large sequence deletions. When KO cells obtained, they are cultured and the proteins expressed by them are extracted. Using a high-resolution mass spectrometry platform for their proteomics analysis, the specific role of the knocked-out gene at the protein level is elucidated, revealing the mechanism how genes regulate proteins. MtoZ Biolabs aims to provide you with the highest quality scientific research service. We look forward to cooperating with you. Welcome to contact to learn more about our service.



      Service Advantages

      1. High Knockout Efficiency

      Optimized CRISPR/Cas9 system with over 80% target knockout efficiency at 70%; after gene knockout, we use Sanger sequencing and in-depth proteomics technology to doubly verify the knockout efficiency to ensure the accuracy of the data.


      2. Comprehensive Proteomics Analysis Platform

      Our proteomics analysis platform is equipped with comprehensive sample pre-treatment instruments, high-specificity protein modification enrichment platform, ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with high-resolution mass spectrometry, and protein N-terminal sequence analyzer, which can achieve efficient protein extraction at the omics level, high-efficiency enrichment of specific modified peptides, and protein identification, relative quantification (3D & 4D), and absolute quantification analysis, and comprehensive analysis of the proteome expressed by KO cells.


      3. Short Project Cycle

      Before performing the gene knockout experiment, we analyze the necessity and expression level of genes in different cells to ensure the feasibility of the experiment and reduce the risk of experiment failure; there is no need for gRNA validation to the pre-experiments of customers' targets, significantly shortening the project cycle.


      4. One-Stop Service

      MtoZ Biolabs has much experience in omics service and professional technicians who can customize the optimal project plan fitting your needs. You only need to tell us your experimental purpose and send your samples. MtoZ Biolabs will take care of all subsequent project steps, including sample processing, experimental analysis, data analysis, and project report.



      1. Disease Mechanism Research

      By knocking out specific genes, researchers can observe changes in expression and regulation of protein under pathological conditions. For example, in cancer research, by knocking out genes associated with cancer development, researchers can better understand the biological mechanisms of tumors.


      2. Drug Target Discovery

      By analyzing the impact of gene knockouts on the proteome, new drug targets can be identified. For example, in the search for new drugs to treat Alzheimer's disease, researchers can find potential therapeutic targets by knocking out genes associated with cognitive decline.


      3. Functional Genomics Research

      The combination of gene knockout technology with proteomics can study the functions of genes and proteins in cells and how they mutually interact to regulate biological processe.


      4. Systems Biology

      In systems biology, the combination of gene knockout technology with proteomics can build protein-protein interaction networks, helping to understand complex biological systems. For example, researchers can reveal key regulatory networks in pathological process by analyzing protein changes.

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