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    Coenzyme Q10 Analysis Service

      Coenzyme Q10, also known as ubiquinone-10, is an important antioxidant present in almost all cells. It plays many vital roles in the human body, including supporting normal cell growth and development, protecting heart and vascular health, and enhancing immune function. Additionally, Coenzyme Q10 is a crucial component of the electron transport chain in cellular mitochondria, participating in cellular respiration and the synthesis of ATP.


      Therefore, the measurement and analysis of Coenzyme Q10 are of significant value for both biomedical research and clinical medical fields. However, as Coenzyme Q10 is located within cells and its concentration is relatively low, specialized analytical techniques and equipment are required for accurate detection and quantification.



      Figure 1. Molecular Structure of Coenzyme Q10


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      At MtoZ Biolabs, we provide comprehensive Coenzyme Q10 analysis services, using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for the quantitative analysis of Coenzyme Q10. LC-MS is an advanced technology capable of both qualitative and quantitative analysis, which, by combining liquid chromatography separation and mass spectrometry detection, can accurately and rapidly measure Coenzyme Q10 in complex biological samples.



      Figure 2. Coenzyme Q10 Mass Spectrometry Identification Process



      • Clinical Diagnosis: By analyzing the levels of Coenzyme Q10 in blood, urine, or tissue samples, it can assist in the diagnosis and treatment of related diseases, such as heart disease and neurodegenerative disorders.
      • Health Food Development: By testing the content of Coenzyme Q10 in foods, it is possible to develop and optimize health foods rich in Coenzyme Q10.
      • Biomedical Research: Investigates the metabolic pathways, physiological functions, and mechanisms of action of Coenzyme Q10 in organisms, as well as its relationship with the onset and progression of diseases.


      Sample Submission Requirements

      • Sample Types: Blood, urine, tissue, cells, and food samples are acceptable.
      • Sample Storage: Samples should be stored at -80°C and kept cold during transportation.


      MtoZ Biolabs provides one-stop metabolomics analysis services. Our expert team has extensive experimental experience and can provide you with accurate and comprehensive data to support your research. If you have any questions or special requirements, please feel free to contact us.

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