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    N-(3-Indolylacetyl)-L-alanine Analysis Service

      N-(3-Indolylacetyl)-L-alanine is a specialized biochemical compound that plays a significant role in plant hormone metabolism, particularly in the modulation of auxin activity. it is characterized by the conjugation of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), a principal auxin, with L-alanine, an essential amino acid. This conjugate retains the indole ring structure typical of IAA, which is crucial for its biological function, while the L-alanine moiety influences its solubility, stability, and interactions within the cellular environment. N-(3-Indolylacetyl)-L-alanine is primarily found in plants, where it acts as a storage or transport form of IAA, modulating the bioavailability and activity of this vital growth regulator.


      The metabolic pathway of N-(3-Indolylacetyl)-L-alanine involves its synthesis through the enzymatic conjugation of IAA with L-alanine, a process mediated by IAA-amino acid synthetases. This reaction is part of a broader strategy in plants to regulate auxin levels, ensuring that the hormone’s effects on cell elongation, division, and differentiation are precisely controlled. Once synthesized, N-(3-Indolylacetyl)-L-alanine can be stored in vacuoles or transported to different parts of the plant, where it may be hydrolyzed by specific hydrolase enzymes to release free IAA as needed. This reversible conjugation is a key aspect of auxin homeostasis, impacting various developmental processes including root and shoot growth, fruit development, and response to environmental stimuli. The study of N-(3-Indolylacetyl)-L-alanine can provide insights into the molecular mechanisms of plant hormone regulation and plant growth and development. It can also provide valuable information for agricultural practices and crop improvement strategies.




      Figure 1. The Structure of N-(3-Indolylacetyl)-L-alanine


      MtoZ Biolabs is dedicated to providing rigorous and professional N-(3-Indolylacetyl)-L-alanine analysis services. We use HPLC-MS/MS for N-(3-Indolylacetyl)-L-alanine analysis and offer a comprehensive solution, from sample preparation to data analysis and interpretation.


      Analysis Workflow




      Service Advantages

      • High accuracy and reproducibility: Advanced HPLC-MS/MS equipment and standard operation protocol ensure reliable data.
      • Comprehensive report: Provides a detailed analysis report including methodology, raw data, statistical analysis, and professional interpretation.
      • Quick turnaround time: The process from sample handling to report generation is efficient, shortening the analysis cycle.
      • Expert support: A team of experts is always ready to provide technical support and consultation.


      Sample Submission Requirements

      • Plant tissue: 200 mg fresh weight or 100 mg dry weight.
      • Biofluids: 200 μL.

      Please contact us for other sample types or specific requirements.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on N-(3-Indolylacetyl)-L-alanine Analysis

      4. Raw Data

      5. Custom Analysis Report


      At MtoZ Biolabs, we are committed to providing rigorous and professional N-(3-Indolylacetyl)-L-alanine analysis services to meet your research needs. For more information, please contact us.

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