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    Rubixanthin Myristate Analysis Service

      Rubixanthin myristate is a novel carotenoid ester that combines the antioxidant properties of rubixanthin with the various bioactivities of myristic acid. Rubixanthin, primarily found in various fruits and vegetables, has strong antioxidant capabilities, neutralizing free radicals and protecting cells from oxidative stress. Studies indicate that rubixanthin has potential health benefits in preventing cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and vision degradation. Myristic acid, widely present in coconut oil and nutmeg, has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and moisturizing properties. Myristic acid can inhibit the growth of various pathogenic microorganisms and help maintain skin and tissue health by reducing inflammation.


      By combining these advantages, rubixanthin myristate not only provides excellent antioxidant protection but also enhances the immune system and exhibits antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. In food science, rubixanthin myristate can serve as a natural antioxidant and preservative, extending shelf life and improving nutritional value. In nutritional research, it aids in the development of functional foods and dietary supplements. In pharmaceutical research, this compound shows potential for treating and preventing various diseases. Therefore, quantitative and qualitative analysis of rubixanthin myristate is crucial in related research fields.


      MtoZ Biolabs offers Rubixanthin Myristate Analysis Service using ultra-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS). This advanced method combines the separation capabilities of UPLC with the detection power of MS, ensuring high sensitivity and specificity in rubixanthin myristate detection.


      Analysis Workflow




      Service Advantages

      • Rapid Analysis Cycle and Cost-Effectiveness
      • Stable, Reliable, and Highly Sensitive Results
      • Comprehensive One-Stop Service for Extensive Testing Needs
      • User-Friendly Operation with Wide Application Scope
      • Supported by Extensive Bioanalytical Resources and Advanced Platforms


      Sample Submission Requirements

      Make sure the sample volume is greater than 0.2 g or 0.2 mL. For detailed sample submission information, please contact our customer service.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on Rubixanthin Myristate

      4. Raw Data

      5. Custom Analysis Report


      Our Rubixanthin Myristate Analysis Service provides high-quality data support, advancing your scientific research and applications. For any inquiries or requirements, please contact us.

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