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    Blood & Plasma & Serum Metabolomics Service

      Blood, plasma, and serum samples play a crucial role in metabolomics research, acting as windows into the physiological state of an organism, containing over 4,000 endogenous small molecule metabolites. Although serum and plasma have similar compositions, they reveal different biomarkers in metabolomics studies. During the coagulation process of serum, the activation of platelets may release various compounds, affecting its metabolomic profile. For instance, levels of glucose and amino acids may increase in serum, while uric acid and citrate may decrease. In contrast, plasma samples offer higher stability and reproducibility, although anticoagulants can cause matrix effects. Thus, ensuring consistent clotting times for serum samples is essential.


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      At MtoZ Biolabs, we provide professional blood, plasma, and serum metabolomics analysis services based on mass spectrometry technology. With our powerful data processing and bioinformatics analysis capabilities, we will provide you with comprehensive, accurate, and efficient metabolomics solutions.

      Our services include:

      1. Targeted Metabolite Analysis

      • Quantitative analysis of key sebum components such as lipids, fatty acids, and cholesterol.
      • Utilizes advanced mass spectrometry technology to ensure precise measurements.


      2. Non-Targeted Metabolomics

      • Comprehensive analysis of a wide range of metabolites in sebum samples.
      • Identifies metabolic patterns associated with various skin states and external factors.


      3. Isotope Tracing Studies

      • Uses stable isotope labeling to study the metabolic pathways of the skin.
      • Analyzes isotopic enrichment in metabolites to deeply explore sebum composition and lipid metabolism.


      4. Metabolic Pathway Analysis

      • Creates sebum metabolic pathway diagrams to identify key metabolic intermediates and regulatory factors.
      • Integrates data analysis to fully interpret the metabolic networks within the skin.


      5. Data Analysis and Interpretation

      • Employs professional techniques to process and analyze metabolomics data.
      • Identifies significant metabolic changes and adjustments in metabolic pathways, generating comprehensive research reports.


      Analysis Workflow

      Our service is based on liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), a highly sensitive and specific analysis technology capable of detecting and quantifying trace metabolites in complex samples.


      The technical process is as follows: sample processing → liquid chromatography separation → mass spectrometry detection → data processing and bioinformatics analysis. In the sample processing stage, we use professional sample pretreatment methods to ensure the maximum retention and extraction of metabolites; in the liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry detection stage, we choose the most suitable chromatographic column and mass spectrometry parameters according to the characteristics of the sample to ensure the separation and detection effect of metabolites; In the data processing and bioinformatics analysis stage, we use professional data mining and bioinformatics tools for metabolite identification, quantification, and bioinformatics analysis.




      Service Advantages

      1. High Sensitivity: LC-MS technology can detect metabolites at the pg level, suitable for low-abundance metabolite detection.


      2. Wide Spectrum: It can cover thousands of metabolites, including various types of metabolites such as proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates.


      3. High Throughput: Multiple samples can be analyzed at one time, suitable for large-scale sample metabolomics analysis.


      4. High Accuracy: Professional data processing and bioinformatics analysis tools are used to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the results.



      √ Early Diagnosis

      Identifying biomarkers for early-stage diseases, enhancing the accuracy of early diagnostics.


      √ Physiological Mechanisms Research

      Gaining a deeper understanding of the physiological mechanisms of organisms, providing robust data support for related studies.


      √ Drug Development

      Assessing the efficacy and toxicity of drugs, offering critical insights for the screening and development of new pharmaceuticals.


      Sample Submission Requirements

      1. Plasma Samples: Collect under anticoagulant conditions and centrifuge at 2,000×g for 20 minutes at 4°C; store the supernatant.


      2. Serum Samples: Allow to sit at room temperature for 30-60 minutes, then centrifuge under the same conditions and store the supernatant.


      All samples need to be mailed under refrigeration and will be analyzed immediately upon arrival at the laboratory. If you have any special requirements or questions, feel free to contact us.




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