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    Single Cell Sequencing Service

      Single-cell sequencing technologies involve sequencing the genomes or transcriptomes of individual cells to gather genomic, transcriptomic, or additional multi-omic data. This approach is crucial for elucidating differences among cell populations and understanding developmental lineages. Traditional sequencing often averages data from bulk cell samples, obscuring cellular heterogeneity. In contrast, single-cell sequencing, enhanced by advanced NGS technologies, excels in identifying heterogeneity among cells, detecting rare cell types, and constructing detailed cell atlases. This technology enables researchers to explore cell functions deeply, enhancing our understanding of cell differentiation, lineage relationships, and the progression of diseases. Furthermore, it aids in identifying potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets, and analyzing uncommon cell types.


      In 2013, "Nature Method" recognized single-cell sequencing as the Technology of the Year. Initially, high costs restricted its broad application, but ongoing technological advancements have led to the development of numerous innovative methods, expanding its application across various scientific fields and advancing the study of molecular mechanisms at the cellular level. 10x Genomics Chromium currently represents the optimal solution for single-cell sequencing. It provides a scalable platform for detailed characterization of cellular features and gene expression at the single-cell level. The 10x Genomics Chromium system can rapidly encapsulate tens of thousands of cells into discrete, traceable single-cell libraries. Each library is equipped with a unique barcode for subsequent analysis. The system can process up to eight samples simultaneously, performing several sequencing runs in a day, with each run taking approximately 20 minutes. It is compatible with cells from fresh, frozen, or methanol-fixed samples, ensuring flexibility in sample handling. The rapid and precise capabilities of the 10x Genomics technology make it indispensable for research in oncology, neuroscience, and immunology.


      MtoZ Biolabs, in conjunction with the Illumina platform, utilizes the 10x Genomics Chromium system to offer a comprehensive single-cell sequencing service. Simply provide a suspension of single cells, and MtoZ Biolabs will manage all aspects needed to obtain high-quality sequencing data, including flow cytometry for cell sorting, library preparation, sequencing, and data analysis. Free project evaluation!



      1. Enables Characterization and Identification of Heterogeneous Cell Populations

      2. Facilitates Discovery of New Cellular Markers and Regulatory Pathways

      3. Uncovers New Cell Types, States, and Rare Cells

      4. Essential for Reconstructing Developmental Hierarchies and Elucidating Lineage Relationships

      5. Vital for Examining Both Healthy and Diseased Tissues and Organs


      Analysis Workflow



      Wu, S. Z. et al. EMBO J. 2020.


      Data analysis


      Luecken, M. D. et al. Mol Syst Biol. 2019.


      Free project evaluation,Welcome to learn more details! Our technical specialists are available to provide a free business assessment.

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