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    Dia Protein Group Sequencing

      DIA (Data Independent Acquisition) proteomics sequencing is used for high-throughput, high-sensitivity proteomics analysis. Compared with the traditional DDA (Data Dependent Acquisition) technology, DIA technology can provide a more comprehensive proteome coverage and more reliable quantitative results. DIA technology has a wide range of applications in biomedical research, disease biomarker discovery, and drug development.


      DIA Proteomics Sequencing

      DIA technology systematically scans the entire mass range during mass spectrometry analysis, rather than analyzing only a few preselected ions. This means that each experiment can capture almost all peptide ion signals in the sample, without missing any potential valuable information.


      1. Wide Scan

      The DIA method first scans all preset mass windows, not dependent on the preselection of specific ions.


      2. Data Processing

      By using complex data processing software, analysts can extract information about specific peptides from a large amount of DIA data and perform subsequent identification and quantitative analysis.


      Service Advantages

      1. Comprehensiveness

      It can detect more proteins and peptides in the sample, providing more comprehensive proteome coverage.


      2. Repeatability and Accuracy

      Because it does not depend on the intensity of precursor ions, the results have higher repeatability and accuracy.


      3. High-Throughput

      Suitable for large-scale sample analysis, can handle a large amount of data, applicable to proteomics research of complex samples.


      Application Fields

      1. Discovery of Biomarkers

      Discover and verify potential biomarkers in disease diagnosis and treatment monitoring.


      2. Systems Biology Research

      Provides a large amount of data needed for protein expression, interaction, and network analysis in systems biology research.


      3. Drug Development

      Plays an important role in the discovery and verification of drug targets, and the study of drug action mechanisms.


      DIA proteomics sequencing technology has become an important tool in proteomics research due to its high-throughput, high-sensitivity, and comprehensiveness. With the continuous progress of analysis software and data processing capabilities, DIA technology will play an increasingly important role in future biomedical research and clinical applications.

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