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    HDX Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange in Recombinant Protein Drugs

      Recombinant protein drugs refer to protein products that are derived from animals and plants and developed through biotechnology. They have certain biological activity and can be used to prevent, treat, and diagnose diseases in humans, animals, and plants. Compared with small molecule drugs, protein drugs have advantages such as high activity, high specificity, and low toxicity, which attract a lot of researchers. Currently, protein drugs are widely used in various fields such as tumors, autoimmune diseases, metabolic diseases, aging diseases, and degenerative diseases. The structure of recombinant proteins plays a very important role in their expected biological functions. Confirming their structure in the process of research and development and process production of recombinant protein drugs is an indispensable part to ensure the quality of drugs.


      Hydrogen Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry (HDX MS) is a classic technology for studying the spatial conformation of proteins. The basic principle is that the hydrogen atoms on the surface and inside of the protein exchange at different rates with the deuterium atoms in heavy water. The hydrogen atoms on the surface of the protein are easier to exchange with deuterium atoms because they come into close contact with heavy water. By detecting with mass spectrometry, the protein and polypeptide fragments corresponding to different exchange rates can be identified, and the spatial structure of the protein can be inferred. HDX MS can quickly study the amino acid sequences on the surface of recombinant proteins in the solution, so it has a wide range of applications in the study of protein dynamic epitope activity sites.


      MtoZ Biolabs provides clients with drug quality research services that comply with global pharmaceutical regulations. Based on the advanced nanoACQUITY UPLC HD-Exchange System analysis system from Waters, we have developed an efficient analysis platform for HDX Hydrogen Deuterium Exchange of recombinant protein drugs. This platform uses sub-2nm chromatographic packing material, which can greatly shorten the liquid phase analysis time requirement without losing the chromatographic separation effect, and has a very high degree of separation. In addition, the use of inline automated pretreatment combined with high-resolution mass spectrometry not only ensures the reliability of experimental data but also improves experimental efficiency, fully ensuring the reliability of pretreatment effects and identification results.

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