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    Homoplantaginin Analysis Service

      Homoplantaginin is a flavonoid compound found in Salvia plebeia R. Br., known for its notable antioxidant properties. It effectively neutralizes free radicals and reduces oxidative damage to cells. It also demonstrates anti-inflammatory effects, which can alleviate inflammation and related disease symptoms. Additionally, homoplantaginin has shown potential anticancer activity by inhibiting the proliferation of tumor cells and impacting various types of cancers. Further research is ongoing to explore its potential applications in cardiovascular health and neuroprotection.


      At MtoZ Biolabs, we utilize our robust high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) platform and seasoned metabolomics team to provide top-tier Homoplantaginin Analysis Service. Our service assures a thorough analysis of homoplantaginin with high sensitivity and precision.


      Analysis Workflow



      Figure 1. Workflow for Homoplantaginin by HPLC-MS Analysis


      Service Advantages

      • Efficient Separation and Detection: Utilizes advanced chromatographic techniques for effective separation and detection of homoplantaginin.
      • Comprehensive Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis: Provides detailed chemical composition analysis reports, including concentration and purity determination.
      • Multi-format Data Support: Supports various data formats, facilitating further scientific analysis and application by clients.



      • Drug Development: The pharmacological activity of homoplantaginin makes it a potential drug component. MtoZ Biolabs offers analysis services to determine its concentration and purity in drug formulations.
      • Drug Screening and Evaluation: Accurate measurement of homoplantaginin content during drug screening helps assess its biological activity and therapeutic potential.
      • Pharmaceutical Quality Control: Ensuring homoplantaginin content in pharmaceuticals meets required levels to ensure product consistency and efficacy.


      Sample Submission Requirements

      1. Fresh tissues >1 g. Samples should ideally be frozen in liquid nitrogen immediately after collection, and then stored at -80°C.


      2. Product samples.


      For more specific information regarding sample submission, please get in touch with our customer service.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on Homoplantaginin

      4. Raw Data

      5. Custom Analysis Report


      With the help of our homoplantaginin analysis service, we aspire to accelerate your research and product development by providing you with accurate and reliable data.

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