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    How to Analyze Experimental Results of Dynamic Light Scattering?

      Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) is a common technique used for analyzing the size distribution of nanoparticles, proteins, polymers, etc., in solution. By measuring the change in light scattering intensity over time caused by the Brownian motion of particles in the sample, the particle size can be inferred.


      When interpreting the experimental results, the following points should be noted:


      1. Particle Size Distribution

      DLS results are usually presented as particle size distribution diagrams, reflecting the relative proportions of different particle sizes in the sample. This can help users identify whether there are multiple different sizes of particles in the sample, and their relative abundance.


      (1) Single peak distribution: Indicates that the particle size distribution in the sample is relatively uniform.

      (2) Multi-peak distribution: May indicate the presence of different particle size groups in the sample, further analysis is needed to determine whether it is aggregation or a mixture of different particles.0

      (3) Wide peak or tail extension: May suggest the presence of a certain degree of aggregation in the sample or a wide particle size distribution.


      2. Average Particle Size

      DLS data usually provide one or more average particle size values, such as the number average size and the volume or intensity average size. The number average size reflects more the contribution of small particles, while the volume/intensity average size is more influenced by large particles.

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