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    Metabolomics Analysis

    • • Malvidin-3-O-galactoside Analysis Service

      Malvidin-3-O-galactoside is an anthocyanin compound commonly found in Malvaceae plants such as hibiscus and malva species. Its molecular formula is C23H25O12+. This compound is a derivative of anthocyanin, featuring an anthocyanin nucleus linked to a galactose molecule through a glycosidic bond. Malvidin-3-O-galactoside is water-soluble with high polarity. It exhibits red coloration under acidic conditions and turns blue in alkaline environments. This compound is sensitive to light and heat, making it prone

    • • Sarcosine Analysis Service

      MtoZ Biolabs utilizes liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) to conduct detailed quantitative and qualitative analyses of Sarcosine and its metabolites. This advanced method integrates LC's rapid separation capabilities with the high detection sensitivity of MS/MS, facilitating the precise measurement of Sarcosine in complex biological matrices.

    • • Ethanolamine Analysis Service

      MtoZ Biolabs utilizes liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) to conduct detailed quantitative and qualitative analyses of ETA and its metabolites. This advanced method integrates LC's rapid separation capabilities with the high detection sensitivity of MS/MS, facilitating the precise measurement of ETA in complex biological matrices.

    • • O-Phosphorylethanolamine Analysis Service

      MtoZ Biolabs utilizes liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) to conduct detailed quantitative and qualitative analyses of O-PE and its metabolites. This advanced method integrates LC's rapid separation capabilities with the high detection sensitivity of MS/MS, facilitating the precise measurement of O-PE in complex biological matrices.

    • • Cell Metabolomics Service

      Cell metabolomics accurately maps the biomolecular changes within cells and their surrounding environments under regulatory conditions, reflecting the biological system's response to genetic and environmental changes. By analyzing the small molecules within cells, metabolomics reveals the unique biochemical fingerprints of cells, which play crucial roles in cellular function and physiological state, and provide essential information for deciphering cell phenotypes. Due to their controllability and interpret

    • • Metabolomics in Biomedical Research

      Biomedical research is an important branch of modern science, which includes the study of the principles and mechanisms of life phenomena, as well as the research of disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Metabolomics is a technology that studies all low molecular weight compounds in the body, which can provide a lot of information about physiological activities.

    • • Metabolomics in Drug Development

      Drug development is a complex and time-consuming process, involving the discovery and optimization of new drug molecules, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics studies, and preclinical and clinical trials. In this process, metabolomics, a research method focusing on small molecule metabolites, plays an important role in understanding the metabolic pathway of drugs, evaluating the toxicity and efficacy of drugs, and optimizing the pharmacokinetic properties of drugs.

    • • Acetic Acid Analysis Service

      Acetic acid, also known as ethanoic acid, is an important organic acid widely found in nature, including food, beverages, urine, and certain industrial products. Acetic acid also plays an important role in the body, including participating in energy metabolism processes and serving as a co-factor ion for enzymes. However, high concentrations of acetic acid can lead to health problems, such as excessive acidity in food and drink, acidification of urine leading to urinary tract infections, and more. Therefore

    • • Short Chain Fatty Acids Analysis

      Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are important metabolic products produced by dietary fiber fermentation in the gut microbial community. SCFAs mainly include acetate, propionate, and butyrate, which play a crucial role in human health, disease pathogenesis, and gut microbiota homeostasis regulation. However, due to their volatility and acidity, the precise detection and quantification analysis of short-chain fatty acids present certain challenges

    • • Chlorophyll a Analysis Service

      Chlorophyll a is the primary photosynthetic pigment in organisms, found in plants, algae, and some protozoa. It is key to photosynthesis, absorbing light energy and converting it into chemical energy to drive photosynthesis. Moreover, by measuring and analyzing the content of chlorophyll a, the health status of the ecological environment can be effectively evaluated and monitored, as the content of chlorophyll a can reflect the photosynthetic activity and productivity of the ecosystem.

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