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    Metabolomics Analysis

    • • Indole-3-carboxylic Acid Analysis Service

      Indole-3-carboxylic acid (I3CA) is a derivative of the indole family of compounds, characterized by the presence of a carboxyl group attached to the indole ring. It features a benzene ring fused to a pyrrole ring, with a carboxyl group (-COOH) at the third position. This compound is a naturally occurring metabolite in plants and plays a role in various physiological processes, including stress response and secondary metabolite production.

    • • N-(3-Indolylacetyl)-L-leucine Analysis Service

      N-(3-Indolylacetyl)-L-leucine is a conjugate compound formed by the amino acid L-leucine and 3-indolylacetic acid (IAA). This molecule consists of an indole ring connected to an acetic acid moiety, which is further linked to the L-leucine amino acid through an amide bond. This conjugation is a key modification in plant hormone metabolism, where the auxin is chemically linked to an amino acid, modulating its activity and transport within the plant.

    • • Gamma Linolenate Analysis Service

      Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) is a polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acid characterized by its chemical structure of 18 carbon atoms and three double bonds, with the first double bond located at the sixth carbon atom from the methyl end. It is commonly found in various plant seed oils such as evening primrose oil, borage oil, and black currant seed oil. GLA plays a crucial role in the human body as a precursor to prostaglandins, which are...

    • • Indole-3-acetyl-L-aspartic Acid Analysis Service

      Indole-3-acetyl-L-aspartic acid (IAA-Asp) is a conjugate of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) with the amino acid L-aspartic acid. This conjugation plays a critical role in modulating the biological activity and metabolic fate of IAA within plant tissues. Structurally, IAA-Asp consists of the indole ring system of IAA linked to the L-aspartic acid residue through an acetyl group.

    • • 2-oxindole-3-acetic Acid Analysis Service

      2-oxindole-3-acetic acid (OxIAA) is an oxidized derivative of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). OxIAA features an oxindole ring formed by the oxidation of the indole ring present in IAA, along with a carboxyl group at the third position. This modification significantly alters its chemical properties and biological activity compared to IAA.

    • • Kaempferide Analysis Service

      Kaempferide, chemically known as 3,5,7-trihydroxy-4'-methoxyflavone, is a naturally occurring flavonoid compound widely distributed in various plants, especially in the Asteraceae and Fabaceae families. Its unique molecular structure, characterized by hydroxyl and methoxy groups, endows it with multiple biological activities, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antiviral, and neuroprotective effects. Due to its extensive biological activities, kaempferide has become a focal point in natural

    • • Afzelechin Analysis Service

      Afzelechin is a natural flavan-3-ol compound widely found in various plants, particularly medicinal plants and fruits. Structurally, afzelechin is an unsubstituted basic flavan-3-ol, possessing a C15 carbon skeleton that includes two phenyl rings (A and B rings) and an oxygen-containing heterocyclic ring (C ring). This structure endows afzelechin with excellent antioxidant properties as it can effectively scavenge free radicals, thus reducing cellular damage caused by free radicals. In the medical and healt

    • • Licoflavone A Analysis Service

      Licoflavone A is a naturally occurring flavonoid compound primarily extracted from plants of the Guttiferae family. The structure of Licoflavone A includes two aromatic rings connected by an oxidized furan ring. This structure endows it with excellent antioxidant properties. Due to its polyphenolic structure, Licoflavone A is highly effective in neutralizing free radicals and exhibiting antioxidant activity. It also shows strong anti-inflammatory and antitumor activities, and is widely used in fields such a

    • • Scutellarein Tetramethyl Ether Analysis Service

      Scutellarein tetramethyl ether is a methoxylated derivative of the flavonoid scutellarein. It is characterized by the addition of four methyl ether groups to the basic scutellarein structure. This modification enhances its solubility and potentially improves interactions with biological molecules, thus increasing its bioavailability and stability over the parent compound. It is found in lower concentrations in the same plants that produce scutellarein, such as the Scutellaria species, and can also be synthe

    • • Acacetin Analysis Service

      Acacetin is a naturally occurring flavonoid compound predominantly found in certain herbs, including the damiana plant and some members of the Lamiaceae family. Its structure is characterized by a distinctive arrangement of hydroxyl and methoxy groups, which notably influences its biological activity and pharmacological actions. Studies suggest that acacetin is an effective inhibitor of aromatase, an enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen, thus potentially reducing estrogen levels and preventing estr

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