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    Metabolomics Analysis

    • • Lignocerate Analysis Service

      Lignocerate, also known as tetracosanoic acid, is a 24-carbon long saturated fatty acid. It plays an essential role in biological processes, such as lipid metabolism, inflammation, and differentiation of immune cells. Abnormal levels of lignocerate are associated with a variety of metabolic disorders, including adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD), a genetic disorder affecting the nervous system and adrenal glands. 

    • • Metabolomics in Food and Nutrition

      Metabolomics is a powerful tool for globally studying all small molecule metabolites in biological samples through deep measurement, providing scientists with a powerful tool to analyze the metabolic network of organisms. In the field of food and nutrition, metabolomic technology is widely used in food safety, food quality evaluation, food nutrition research, and the correlation research between diet and health. The goal of these studies is to comprehensively understand how the nutrition and beneficial ingr

    • • Metabolomics Solution

      Metabolomics is the scientific study of the composition and changes of all metabolites within a biological system. Through comprehensive analysis of these small molecular compounds, metabolomics reveals the biochemical state of an organism under specific environmental conditions, pathological states, or therapeutic responses. Research in this field is crucial for understanding biological processes, disease mechanisms, drug action mechanisms, and environmental impacts. Mass Spectrometry (MS), as the most im

    • • Gastrointestinal Diseases Metabolomics Service

      Gastrointestinal diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease, gastric ulcers, and irritable bowel syndrome, are common clinical conditions that significantly impact the quality of life for many individuals. These diseases are associated with changes in various metabolic pathways. Through metabolomics research, we can gain a deeper understanding of the mechanisms behind these diseases and explore new therapeutic targets.

    • • Diabetes Metabolomics Service

      Diabetes is a severe chronic disease that affects billions of people worldwide. The disease mainly involves a decrease in insulin secretion and/or activity, leading to elevated blood glucose levels, which in turn affects the function of various tissues and organs in the body. Although the cause and pathogenesis of diabetes have been studied to some extent, its complexity and individual differences still pose challenges to the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes. To address this issue, MtoZ Biolabs offers

    • • Neurological Diseases Metabolomics Service

      Neurological diseases, mainly including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, etc., are one of the important aspects of global public health problems. These diseases have complex pathophysiological processes, including neurotransmitter imbalance, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, etc. However, the exact pathogenesis of these diseases is still not fully understood, thus finding new therapeutic strategies and early detection biomarkers has become the focus of neuro

    • • Kidney Diseases Metabolomics Service

      Kidney disease involves a variety of complex metabolic processes, including but not limited to abnormalities in protein catabolism, lipid metabolism, and energy metabolism. Metabolomics can comprehensively evaluate changes in these biochemical processes, providing support for biomarker discovery and mechanism studies of the disease. In addition, by monitoring metabolic changes before and after treatment, metabolomics can also evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of drugs. MtoZ Biolabs provides comprehensive a

    • • Glycitin Analysis Service

      Glycitin is an isoflavone glycoside compound that belongs to the flavonoid class of plant secondary metabolites. It is commonly found in various leguminous plants, particularly in soybean (Glycine max). Glycitin is one of the major isoflavones present in soy products, along with daidzin and genistin, and is often studied for its potential health benefits. The chemical structure of glycitin consists of an isoflavone core made up of a 4-oxo-benzopyranone ring and a benzene ring, with a glycoside moiety attach

    • • Demethyltexasin Analysis Service

      Demethyltexasin is a flavonoid compound with a wide range of pharmacological and biological activities. Its structure is similar to that of other flavonoid compounds, but it is distinguished by the absence of a methyl group, a structural feature that gives it unique properties in terms of bioactivity and metabolic pathways. Demethyltexasin is widely found in various plants, particularly in certain medicinal plants, which makes it of significant importance in the research of natural products and drug dev

    • • Prunetin Analysis Service

      Prunetin is a naturally occurring isoflavone compound found primarily in leguminous plants such as peas, soybeans, and alfalfa. The chemical structure of prunetin is similar to other isoflavones, consisting of a benzene ring and a pyran ring, with multiple hydroxyl and methoxy groups attached. This compound is well-known for its diverse biological activities, particularly its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer effects, making it a focus of research.

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