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    Metabolomics Analysis

    • • 10-Transheptadecenoate Analysis Service

      10-Transheptadecenoate is a monounsaturated fatty acid that has been identified in certain fish oils and marine invertebrates. Structurally, it is a 17-carbon fatty acid with a single trans double bond located at the 10th carbon. It is a cis-isomer of heptadecenoic acid and may have potential health benefits but is typically present in low concentrations in most biological samples.

    • • Myristoleate Analysis Service

      Myristoleate, also known as cis-9-tetradecenoic acid, is a monounsaturated fatty acid with a 14-carbon chain and a single double bond located at the 9th carbon position. It is the cis isomer of myristelaidate. One of the major sources of this fatty acid is the seed oil from plants of the family Myristicaceae. Myristoleate has been studied for its potential anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, particularly in the context of joint health.

    • • Heptanoic Acid Analysis Service

      Heptanoic acid, also known as enanthic acid, is a seven-carbon saturated fatty acid with the molecular formula C₇H₁₄O₂. It is characterized by a straight-chain structure, with a carboxylic acid functional group at one end. This fatty acid is naturally found in various sources, including the oil of castor beans, and is also produced through the oxidation of heptanal, a process commonly employed in industrial settings. 

    • • Isodecanoic Acid Analysis Service

      Isodecanoic acid is a branched-chain saturated fatty acid with the molecular formula C₁₀H₂₀O₂. This compound is part of the larger family of isocarboxylic acids, characterized by their branched alkyl chains. The structural diversity of branched-chain fatty acids, including isodecanoic acid, contributes to their varied physicochemical properties, such as lower melting points and increased solubility compared to their straight-chain counterparts.

    • • Nonanoic Acid Analysis Service

      Nonanoic acid, also known as pelargonic acid, is a naturally occurring fatty acid that is found in various animal fats and oils, and is one of the chemical compounds that contribute to the odor of some plants. It plays an important role in a broad range of biological and physiological functions. The altered levels of Nonanoic acid in biofluids, cells, and tissues have been related to various diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes.

    • • 3,5,5-Trimethylhexanoic Acid Analysis Service

      3,5,5-Trimethylhexanoic Acid is a branched-chain fatty acid characterized by its unique three-methyl substitution pattern on a six-carbon backbone. This compound is an important metabolite in the context of lipid metabolism and has garnered attention for its potential roles in various biological processes and health conditions. The significance of studying 3,5,5-Trimethylhexanoic Acid lies in its involvement in various physiological and pathological processes.

    • • 10-Heptadecenoate Analysis Service

      10-Heptadecenoate, also known as 10-Heptadecenoic acid, is a monounsaturated long-chain fatty acid that can be found in many biological samples. The fatty acid is a key component in the study of lipidomics, helping to elucidate the complex roles of lipids in health and disease. Changes in the levels of 10-Heptadecenoate have been associated with metabolic conditions such as obesity, insulin resistance, and cardiovascular diseases.

    • • Palmitelaidate Analysis Service

      Palmitelaidate is a trans monounsaturated fatty acid with a 16-carbon chain and a double bond located between the 9th and 10th carbons. This fatty acid is a structural isomer of the more commonly known cis-palmitoleic acid, but it differs significantly in its biological effects and origins. Palmitelaidate is primarily derived from the partial hydrogenation of dietary fats, which occurs during the industrial processing of vegetable oils.

    • • Palmitoleate Analysis Service

      Palmitoleate is a monounsaturated fatty acid predominantly found in adipose tissue, liver, and muscle. It plays a significant role in metabolic regulation and has been recognized as a lipokine, influencing systemic lipid metabolism. Recent studies have highlighted its beneficial effects on insulin sensitivity, anti-inflammatory properties, and potential to protect against metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

    • • 10-Transpentadecenoate Analysis Service

      10-Transpentadecenoate is a monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) with a 15-carbon chain and a single double bond located at the 10th carbon atom.  It is involved in multiple biological processes and can be used as a biomarker for certain diseases. Our 10-Transpentadecenoate Analysis Service provides a comprehensive and accurate analysis of 10-Transpentadecenoate in a wide range of biological samples, offering a powerful tool for clinical diagnostics, pharmaceutical development, as well as...

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