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    Metabolomics Analysis

    • • Drug Target Discovery and Selection Services

      MtoZ Biolabs' "Drug Target Discovery and Selection Services" provides comprehensive solutions for pharmaceutical companies and research institutions worldwide. Our service uses mass spectrometry-based metabolomics technology. Through comprehensive, high-throughput, and quantitative analysis of metabolites in biological samples, we can discover disease-related metabolic biomarkers and further screen potential drug targets. Untargeted metabolomics is an unbiased analytical method that comprehensively revea

    • • Metabolomics in Agriculture

      With the growth of the world's population and the increasing importance of food safety, new scientific research is urgently needed in agricultural research. Metabolomics, as an analytical technique that can comprehensively reflect the state of organisms, has played an important role in agricultural research in recent years. Metabolomics in agriculture can help us understand the metabolic processes of related organisms such as plants, microorganisms, and insects, and has a wide range of applications in crop

    • • Isobutyric Acid Analysis Service

      Isobutyric acid is an organic compound that belongs to short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), and it plays a significant role in human metabolism, food science, environmental pollution, and bioengineering. Isobutyric acid is mainly produced in the process of intestinal microbial metabolism and can serve as an energy source for intestinal cells, positively affecting gut health. However, changes in isobutyric acid concentration might be associated with various diseases, including intestinal diseases, obesity, and c

    • • Respiratory Diseases Metabolomics Service

      Respiratory diseases (including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, pneumonia, lung cancer, etc.) are among the most common diseases worldwide, with both morbidity and mortality rates continuing to rise. At present, the pathogenesis of respiratory diseases is not fully understood, posing a significant challenge to early prevention and personalized treatment of diseases. Therefore, a deep understanding of the pathogenesis of respiratory diseases, finding effective biomarkers, and developing target

    • • Hexanoic Acid Analysis Service

      Hexanoic acid, also known as hexanoic anhydride or hexanoic acid, is a saturated straight-chain carboxylic acid that is widely present in animals, plants, and human metabolism. It is also an important component of many chemicals, cosmetics, fragrances, detergents, and other products. However, the concentration of hexanoic acid in the body may change significantly during the course of certain diseases such as ketosis, acidosis, and cirrhosis, which may affect human health.

    • • Eye Diseases Metabolomics Service

      Eye diseases encompass a wide range of conditions that affect the structure and function of the eyes, leading to vision impairment or loss. Metabolomics, the comprehensive study of small molecules (metabolites) within cells, tissues, or organisms, offers a powerful approach to understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying these conditions.

    • • Food Metabolomics Service

      MtoZ Biolabs offers an exceptional Food Metabolomics Service which utilizes advanced mass spectrometry techniques to analyze metabolic profiles in food. This service is designed to characterize food composition, understand the metabolic processes of food digestion, and identify potential biomarkers related to food quality and safety.

    • • Nutritional Metabolomics Solutions

      Nutritional metabolomics integrates the principles of metabolomics with nutritional science to investigate the intricate relationships between diet, metabolism, and health. This approach enables the comprehensive profiling of metabolites—small molecules involved in various biochemical processes—within biological systems. By analyzing these metabolites, researchers can gain insights into how dietary components influence metabolic pathways and contribute to overall health or disease development.

    • • Environmental Toxicology Metabolomics Solutions

      Environmental Toxicology is a scientific discipline that studies the effects of environmental contaminants on living organisms and ecosystems. It encompasses a wide range of harmful agents, including chemicals, pollutants, and biological toxins, and investigates how these substances interact with biological systems, leading to adverse health outcomes.

    • • Soil Metabolomics Analysis Services

      Soil metabolomics applies advanced analytical techniques, such as mass spectrometry (MS), to comprehensively profile the small-molecule metabolites present in soil samples. This approach provides a detailed understanding of the metabolic processes occurring in the soil, including the interactions between plants, microbes, and the soil environment.

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