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    Food Metabolomics Service

      MtoZ Biolabs offers an exceptional Food Metabolomics Service which utilizes advanced mass spectrometry techniques to analyze metabolic profiles in food. This service is designed to characterize food composition, understand the metabolic processes of food digestion, and identify potential biomarkers related to food quality and safety.


      Food metabolomics is the large-scale study of small molecules, commonly known as metabolites, within foods, biofluids, cells, or tissues. This field investigates the influence of genetic and environmental factors on the metabolic composition of food. It plays a crucial role in understanding food quality, nutritional value, and food safety.


      Analysis Workflow




      Service Advantages

      • Advanced Techniques: State-of-the-art mass spectrometry techniques for comprehensive metabolome profiling.
      • Experienced Team: A team of experts ensures high-quality data and accurate interpretation of results.
      • Customized Solutions: Customized solutions to meet individual research needs.
      • Fast Turnaround: The process from sample handling to report generation is efficient, shortening the analysis cycle.



      • Functional Foods Research: Explore the specific metabolic impacts of functional foods, focusing on health-related metabolic pathways.
      • Food Origin Tracing: Utilize omics techniques to differentiate foods based on their geographic origins and verify the authenticity of geographic indication labels.
      • Food Adulteration and Quality Identification: Employ Untargeted metabolomic approaches to identify key metabolic differences between adulterated and authentic food samples.
      • Food Metabolic Diversity Analysis: Investigate the alterations in food metabolite profiles under varying environmental conditions.
      • Food Flavor Analysis: Examine the specific metabolites and metabolic pathways that determine food flavor characteristics.
      • Foodborne Pathogen Detection: Apply metabolomics to identify and validate biomarkers associated with foodborne pathogens.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on Metabolites

      4. Raw Data

      5. Custom Analysis Report


      Contact us to discuss your project and to learn more about our Food Metabolomics Service.

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