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    Metabolomics Analysis

    • • Ecological Metabolomics Solutions

      Ecological Metabolomics integrates metabolomics with ecological studies to understand the complex interactions between organisms and their environment at the molecular level. By analyzing the small molecules, or metabolites, present in biological samples, ecological metabolomics provides critical insights into the biochemical processes that underpin organismal responses to environmental changes, including stressors such as pollution, climate change, and habitat alteration.

    • • Rat/Mouse Metabolomics Service

      The Rat/Mouse Metabolomics Service offered by MtoZ Biolabs provides an advanced analytical approach to studying metabolic profiles in preclinical models. Utilizing state-of-the-art mass spectrometry techniques, our service enables comprehensive analysis of metabolic changes in rats and mice, pivotal models for understanding human diseases and evaluating therapeutic interventions.

    • • Canine Metabolomics Service

      The Canine Metabolomics Service provided by MtoZ Biolabs offers an advanced platform for exploring the metabolic profiles of dogs, delivering critical insights into canine health, disease mechanisms, and therapeutic responses. Metabolomics, the comprehensive analysis of small molecules within biological systems, plays a pivotal role in understanding the physiological and pathological processes in canines.

    • • Animal Metabolomics Service

      Animal metabolomics is a rapidly advancing field that involves the comprehensive analysis of metabolites in biological samples to gain insights into the metabolic processes within animals. By profiling the small molecules and metabolites present in tissues, biofluids, or cells, animal metabolomics provides a detailed understanding of the biochemical pathways that underlie various physiological and pathological conditions.

    • • Plant Metabolomics Service

      Plant metabolomics is a powerful and comprehensive analytical approach that focuses on the systematic study of the unique chemical fingerprints left by specific cellular processes within plants. By profiling a wide range of metabolites—such as alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids, and phenolic compounds—plant metabolomics provides a deep understanding of the biochemical mechanisms that govern plant physiology, growth, and response to environmental changes.

    • • Exposomics Analysis Services

      Exposomics is the comprehensive study of the exposome, which encompasses all environmental exposures an individual encounters throughout their lifetime, from conception to death. Unlike traditional approaches that focus on single or limited factors, exposomics considers the cumulative and combined effects of all environmental influences, including chemicals, pollutants, diet, lifestyle, and more.

    • • Drug-Resistant Metabolomics Research Services

      Drug resistance is a significant challenge in the treatment of various diseases, particularly in the fields of oncology, infectious diseases, and chronic conditions. It occurs when pathogens, cancer cells, or other disease-causing agents adapt to withstand the effects of therapeutic drugs, rendering standard treatments ineffective. This resistance not only complicates patient care but also leads to higher treatment costs, prolonged illness, and increased mortality rates.

    • • Gibberellin A4 Analysis Service

      GA4 (Gibberellin A4) is another important member of the gibberellin family, with the molecular formula C19H24O5. GA4 is characterized by a tetracyclic diterpene skeleton with multiple hydroxyl and carbonyl groups. The function of GA4 in plant growth is similar to that of GA1, though its relative biological activity may vary in different plants. GA4 influences overall plant growth and development by promoting cell elongation, regulating flower bud differentiation, and enhancing seed germination. Like GA1 and

    • • Gibberellin A7 Analysis Service

      Gibberellin A7 (GA7) is a member of the gibberellin family, with the molecular formula C19H22O5, featuring a tetracyclic diterpene skeleton and multiple hydroxyl and carbonyl groups. GA7's roles in plant growth and development include promoting stem elongation, breaking seed dormancy, and inducing flower bud differentiation. The biological activity of GA7 may vary across different plants, but it generally affects plant growth and development by regulating hormone balance and gene expression.

    • • Gibberellin A12 aldehyde Analysis Service

      Gibberellin 12 aldehyde is a crucial intermediate in the gibberellin biosynthesis pathway, with the molecular formula C20H28O3. GA12 aldehyde has a diterpene skeleton and contains an aldehyde group. As a precursor molecule in the gibberellin biosynthesis pathway, GA12 aldehyde plays a key role in the synthesis of other biologically active gibberellins such as GA1 and GA3, which in turn participate in regulating plant growth and development. Although GA12 aldehyde itself has weak biological activity, its imp

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