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    Metabolomics Analysis

    • • Auxin Analysis Service

      Auxins are a class of essential phytohormones that play a critical role in the regulation of plant growth and development. These small molecules, primarily indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), influence cell elongation, root formation, vascular differentiation, and responses to light and gravity. Structurally, auxins are characterized by an aromatic ring and a carboxylic acid group, which are key to their function in plant physiology.

    • • Tannic Acid Analysis Service

      Tannic acid is a specific form of tannin, a type of polyphenolic compound that is widely distributed in the plant kingdom. It is primarily derived from sources such as oak bark, gallnuts, and various other plants. Tannic acid has a complex structure, typically composed of a glucose core with multiple galloyl ester groups, which contribute to its astringent properties and high affinity for proteins.

    • • Cinnamic Acid Analysis Service

      Cinnamic acid is an organic compound that is a key precursor in the biosynthesis of various essential plant metabolites. Structurally, it is a phenylpropanoid, characterized by a phenyl group attached to a three-carbon side chain with a carboxylic acid group. This structure allows cinnamic acid to participate in various biochemical pathways and contribute to the synthesis of numerous secondary metabolites, including flavonoids, lignins, and tannins.

    • • Toxins Analysis Service

      Toxins are toxic substances produced by living organisms, including bacteria, fungi, plants, and animals. These compounds can cause various adverse health effects in humans and animals, ranging from acute poisoning to chronic diseases. Toxins are broadly classified into biotoxins (produced by living organisms), phytotoxins (from plants), mycotoxins (from fungi), and bacterial toxins.

    • • Stilbenes Analysis

      Stilbenes are a group of naturally occurring phenolic compounds characterized by a 1,2-diphenylethylene structure. They are found in various plants, including grapes, berries, and peanuts, and are known for their significant biological activities. Stilbenes, such as resveratrol, exhibit antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer properties, making them of great interest in pharmacological and nutritional research.

    • • Polyketides Analysis Service

      Polyketides are a class of secondary metabolites with complex structures and diverse biological activities. They have been widely used in pharmaceuticals, and agriculture due to their potent antimicrobial, antifungal, anticancer, and other bioactive properties. MtoZ Biolabs utilizes advanced mass spectrometry techniques for polyketide analysis, offering detailed information on structure, modifications, quantity, and function.

    • • Plant Lectins Analysis Service

      Plant lectins are non-immune origin proteins or glycoproteins that have at least one non-catalytic domain, enabling them to recognize and reversibly bind to specific carbohydrate structures. They have a wide range of roles in biological recognition phenomena involving cells and proteins, including cell-cell interaction, host-pathogen interaction, and glycoconjugate turnover.

    • • Aflatoxin Analysis Service

      Aflatoxins are a group of highly toxic and carcinogenic secondary metabolites produced primarily by the fungi Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus. These compounds, including aflatoxin B₁, B₂, G₁, and G₂, pose significant health risks to both humans and animals due to their presence in contaminated food and feed products. Structurally, aflatoxins are characterized by a difuran ring fused to a coumarin structure, which imparts their potent biological activity.

    • • Camphor Analysis Service

      Camphor is a waxy, flammable substance that is white and transparent with a strong aroma. It is found in the wood of the camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora), a large evergreen tree found in Asia. Camphor has been used for many centuries as a culinary spice, a component of incense, and as a medicine. Camphor is used in a variety of applications, including as an insect repellent, in traditional medicine, and in the production of celluloid.

    • • Myrcene Analysis Service

      Myrcene, also known as β-myrcene, is an organic compound classified as a monoterpene. It's a significant component in the essential oils of various plants, including bay, wild thyme, and hops. The compound is highly valued for its aroma and flavor, contributing to the sensory profiles of various foods and beverages. Precise quantification and qualitative analysis of myrcene require advanced analytical techniques, such as mass spectrometry.

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