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    Multi-Omics Analysis Service

      With the widespread application of high-throughput technologies, researchers can obtain omics data on a large scale from various molecular levels, including the genome, transcriptome, proteome, interactome, epigenome, metabolome, lipidome, and microbiome. Multi-omics integrated data analysis has revolutionized biology, enhancing our understanding of biological processes and molecular mechanisms. The use of high-throughput omics methods in biological sample analysis generates data files ranging from terabytes to gigabytes in size daily. Research at the molecular level is gradually improving, and a shift from partial to holistic approaches is an inevitable trend. Multi-omics integrated data analysis involves more than merely integrating data; it represents an in-depth investigation into biological interpretation, providing new insights for fundamental biology and disease research.



      Misra, B. B. et. al. J. Mol. Endocrinol. 2018.

      Diagram of Multi-Omics Integrated Analysis


      Service Advantages

      Single-omics analysis methods can provide information on biological processes that differ between various life processes or disease groups compared to normal groups. However, these analyses often have limitations. Multi-omics methods integrate information from several omics levels, offering more evidence for biological mechanisms and identifying candidate key factors more thoroughly. By integrating data from different levels, such as genes, mRNA, regulatory factors, proteins, and metabolites, a gene regulatory network can be constructed to understand the regulatory and causal relationships between various molecules more deeply. This leads to a more profound understanding of the molecular mechanisms and genetic bases of complex traits in biological processes and diseases.



      1. Agriculture and Forestry

      Research on growth and development, stress and non-stress mechanisms, crop breeding, conservation of rare species, medicinal plant research, etc.


      2. Animal Husbandry

      Research on growth and development, identification of functional genes for important economic traits of livestock and poultry, research on pathogenic mechanisms, discovery of  biological stress and stress transcription factors in forage grass, etc.


      3. Marine Fisheries

      Research on growth and development, biological evolution studies, toxicology and seafood safety, etc.


      4. Biomedicine

      Biomarkers, disease mechanisms, drug targets, disease classification, personalized treatment, etc.


      5. Microbiology

      Research on pathogenic mechanisms, resistance mechanisms, pathogen-host interactions, etc.


      6. Environmental Science

      Optimization of fermentation processes, biofuel production, environmental hazard risk assessment, etc.


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      1. Integrated Transcriptomics and Proteomics analysis

      2. Integrated Transcriptomics and Metabolomics analysis

      3. Integrated Proteomics and Metabolomics Analysis

      4. Integrated Metabonomics and Microbiomics Analysis

      5. Integrated Transcriptomic and Lipidomics Analysis

      6. Integrated Proteomics and Lipidomics Analysis

      7. Integrated Transcriptomic, Proteomic, and Metabolomic Analysis

    • • Integrative Metabolomics-16S rDNA Sequencing Analysis Service

      Metabolomics is the large-scale study of small molecules, commonly known as metabolites within organisms, cells, biofluids, tissues. The 16S rDNA gene encodes 16S rRNA and is ubiquitously present in bacterial genomes. This gene reflects differences between genera and can be easily sequenced.

    • • Integrative Transcriptomics-Lipidomics Analysis Service

      The transcriptome represents the complete set of mRNA in a cell under specific developmental stages or physiological conditions. Transcriptomics investigates gene transcription and regulatory mechanisms at a cellular level. Similarly, the lipidome encompasses all lipids within a cell under particular developmental stages or physiological states. Lipidomics, a crucial branch of metabolomics, focuses on the comprehensive analysis and identification of lipids and their interacting molecules in organisms.

    • • Integrative Transcriptomics-Proteomics Analysis Service

      The transcriptome is the complete set of transcripts in a cell under specific developmental stages or physiological conditions, representing an intermediate state of gene expression. Transcriptome sequencing can classify all transcripts, determine the transcription structure of genes, and quantify the expression levels of transcripts. Proteins are the direct executors of life functions, and the proteome is the entire set of proteins expressed by a cell or an organism.

    • • Integrative Transcriptomics-Metabolomics Analysis Service

      Transcriptomics is the collection of complete transcription information within cells at specific developmental stages or physiological conditions, representing the intermediate state of gene expression. Metabolomics is the large-scale study of small molecules (commonly referred to as metabolites) within cells, biofluids, tissues, or organisms. Metabolites are the final products of gene transcription under internal and external regulation and are the material basis of an organism's phenotype.

    • • Integrative Lipidomics-Proteomics Analysis Service

      Lipidomics is a vital subfield of metabolomics that involves the comprehensive and systematic analysis and identification of lipids and their interacting molecules within organisms, tissues, or cells. This analysis aims to elucidate the structure and function of lipids, thereby revealing the crucial links between lipid metabolism and biological processes. Proteomics examines the protein composition and its activity patterns in an organism, tissue, or cell at a holistic level.

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