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    Optical Rotation Determination of Polypeptide Drugs

      Peptide drugs are bioactive protein fragments composed of short chains of amino acids. Due to their high efficiency, specificity, and relatively low toxicity and immunogenicity, they occupy an important position in modern medicine and drug development. They have shown great potential in treating various diseases, such as cancer, autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases, and metabolic disorders. However, to ensure the safety and efficacy of these drugs, strict quality control and characterization are necessary. One of the key evaluation parameters is optical rotation.


      Optical rotation is a physical property that measures a substance's ability to rotate the plane of polarized light. This rotation is caused by chiral molecules within the substance. Chiral molecules are those that non-superimposable mirror images of each other, having a specific spatial directionality or "chirality." In peptides and proteins, this chirality mainly arises from amino acid residues. Optical rotation measurement can provide important information about chiral compounds, especially peptide drugs. It can be used not only to identify and characterize the structure of peptide drugs but also to monitor product quality at various stages of drug development, from synthesis and purification to formulation development. Typically, the optical rotation of peptide drugs is measured using a polarimeter. The data obtained from the polarimeter is compared with reference data to understand the optical properties of the sample.


      MtoZ Biolabs provides customers with drug quality research services that comply with global pharmaceutical regulations. Based on the bioproduct physicochemical analysis and structural characterization analysis experimental platform, we provide you with one-stop optical rotation measurement of polypeptide drugs, comprehensively analyzing the structure of polypeptide drugs.


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