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    Pantothenate & CoA Biosynthetic Metabolite Analysis

      Pantothenate (vitamin B5) is produced through the pantothenate biosynthetic pathway, starting with the combination of pantoate and β-alanine, leading to its conversion into pantothenate through several steps. Then it is transformed into Coenzyme A (CoA) via a two-step process. Coenzyme A (CoA) serves as a key carrier molecule in various metabolic processes, linking to acyl groups from fatty acids, amino acids, and carbohydrates to support their transport and breakdown. It is essential for energy generation through the citric acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation. Pantothenate and its derivative CoA play a crucial role in numerous metabolic pathways, including the biosynthesis of fatty acids, amino acids, and heme. 


      Understanding the biochemistry of Pantothenate and CoA can provide valuable insights into various physiological processes and diseases. MtoZ Biolabs offers a comprehensive service for Pantothenate & CoA Biosynthetic Metabolite Analysis utilizing advanced mass spectrometry techniques.



      Ku, J.T. et al. Metabolites. 2020.

      Figure 1. Scheme of Coenzyme A Synthesis.



      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      At MtoZ Biolabs, we employ a high-resolution LC-MS/MS system for the analysis of metabolites involved in Pantothenate and CoA biosynthesis. Our approach ensures high sensitivity and accuracy in detecting even minor changes in metabolite levels. We offer full-service packages, covering sample preparation, metabolite extraction, LC-MS/MS analysis, data interpretation, and comprehensive reporting.


      Analysis Workflow

      1. Sample Preparation: We perform metabolite extraction using optimized protocols.

      2. LC-MS/MS Analysis: Metabolites are separated by LC and detected by MS.

      3. Data Interpretation: We provide a comprehensive interpretation of the results.

      4. Report Delivery: Final report including raw data, analysis results, and professional interpretation is delivered.




      Service Advantages




      Sample Submission Requirements

      • Type of Samples: blood, urine, cell, tissue, etc.
      • Quantity: ≥ 1x107 (cell) , ≥ 200 mg (solid) or ≥ 500 µl (liquid)
      • At least 6 biological replicates per group for cellular/microbial samples.
      • At least 10 biological replicates per group for model animal/plant samples.
      • Clinical samples generally have at least 50 biological replicates per group.
      • Storage and Delivery: Samples should be stored ice-cold and delivered in dry ice.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Comprehensive Information on Pantothenate & CoA Biosynthetic Metabolite Analysis

      4. Mass Spectrometry Images

      5. Raw Data


      Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive Pantothenate & CoA Biosynthetic Metabolite Analysis service. With MtoZ Biolabs, get access to robust data and deep insights for your research!

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