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    Principle of De Novo Sequencing

      With the advancement of genomics, genome sequencing technology has become a crucial tool in biological research. Among various sequencing technologies, De Novo sequencing is particularly significant because it does not rely on existing reference genomes and can reveal entirely new genomic information.


      De Novo sequencing is a genome sequencing technology aimed at constructing the complete genome sequence of a previously unsequenced species. Unlike resequencing, which relies on reference genomes for sequence alignment and assembly, De Novo sequencing assembles genome sequences from scratch, making it particularly useful for studying novel species or organisms lacking reference genomes.


      Working Principles of De Novo Sequencing

      De Novo sequencing mainly involves the following steps: DNA extraction, sequencing, data processing, and sequence assembly.


      1. DNA Extraction

      First, high-quality genomic DNA is extracted from the cells of the species to be sequenced. During extraction, it is crucial to avoid DNA degradation and contamination to ensure the accuracy of subsequent sequencing.


      2. Sequencing

      The extracted DNA is fragmented into many small pieces, which are then input into high-throughput sequencing platforms for sequencing. Commonly used high-throughput sequencing technologies include Illumina, PacBio, and Nanopore. These technologies can rapidly and accurately generate large amounts of short-read or long-read sequence data.


      3. Data Processing

      The raw data generated by sequencing typically contain a certain proportion of errors and noise. Data processing steps include data filtering, error correction, and quality control. Through these steps, low-quality reads and technical errors are removed, improving the reliability of the data.


      4. Sequence Assembly

      Sequence assembly is the core step of De Novo sequencing. Assembly algorithms piece together short or long reads into longer continuous sequences (contigs) based on overlapping fragments and further assemble them into scaffolds. Commonly used assembly algorithms include the Overlap-Layout-Consensus (OLC) algorithm and the de Bruijn graph algorithm.


      5. Evaluation and Annotation

      After assembly, the genome needs to be evaluated and annotated. Evaluation includes measuring the completeness, accuracy, and coherence of the assembly. Annotation involves identifying genes, repetitive sequences, and other functional elements in the genome, providing a basis for further biological research.


      Applications of De Novo Sequencing

      De Novo sequencing is widely applied in various biological research fields. It can be used not only for sequencing the genomes of new species but also for studying genome structural variations, evolutionary mechanisms, and functional genomics. Particularly in agriculture, medicine, and environmental science, De Novo sequencing has significant application prospects.


      As a powerful genomic tool, De Novo sequencing can construct complete genome sequences from scratch without reference genomes. This technology not only promotes the development of genomic research but also plays an essential role in various biological fields. In the future, with continuous advancements in sequencing technology and assembly algorithms, De Novo sequencing will reveal more unknown genomic information and drive cutting-edge research in life sciences.

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