Proteomics Databases

Metabolomics Databases

• Analysis of Peptide Variants: Liquid Detection and Mass Spectrometry Identification Strategies
Peptides are short-chain proteins composed of amino acids and play important roles in biological systems. Variations in the sequence and structure of peptides can lead to functional differences, making accurate detection and identification of peptide variations crucial.
• Proteomics & Metabolomics Fusion: Holistic Insight into Biological Systems
The biological system is a complex and intricate network, in which proteins and metabolites play important roles. Proteomics and metabolomics, as two important fields of omics, provide a new perspective for deciphering the biological system through the study of proteins and metabolites. This article will delve into the integration of proteomics and metabolomics, as well as their applications in the comprehensive interpretation of biological systems.
• Data Integration: Comprehensive Exploration through Proteomics and Metabolomics
In the field of biomedicine, understanding the changes in proteins and metabolites within organisms is of great significance for studying disease mechanisms, discovering biomarkers, and developing new drugs. Proteomics and metabolomics, as two important omics technologies, can provide more comprehensive and in-depth information through combined analysis, providing scientists with new perspectives to uncover the complex physiological and pathological processes within organisms.
• Bioinformatics Fusion: New Breakthroughs in Proteomics and Metabolomics
The field of biopharmaceutical research has been continuously evolving, and scientists have adopted multi-omics approaches to gain a better understanding of complex biological processes within organisms. Among these approaches, proteomics and metabolomics are two important research areas. In recent years, the breakthroughs in the combined analysis of proteomics and metabolomics have attracted widespread attention.
Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is the most common type of lung cancer, accounting for approximately 85% of lung cancer cases. At the same time, over 30% of NSCLC patients are diagnosed with advanced stage disease. However, despite the current existence of radiotherapy, chemotherapy techniques, and new adjuvant immunotherapies, the survival rate for advanced NSCLC patients has not yet reached the desired level of effectiveness.
• Common Methods for Protein SUMOylation Detection
Protein SUMOylation is a vital post-translational modification process, involving the covalent binding of small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) to the target protein. SUMOylation plays a crucial role in many biological processes, such as nuclear transport, transcriptional regulation, cell cycle progression, and stress response.
• Proteomic Phosphorylation Overview
Protein Phosphoproteomics is a scientific field that studies protein phosphorylation at a proteome-wide level. It is not merely the analysis of phosphorylation sites of a single protein or a few proteins, but aims to comprehensively identify and quantify the phosphorylation states of all proteins in cells, tissues, or organisms.
• Amino Acid Sequencing: Principles, Techniques, and Applications
When we talk about DNA sequencing, people often think of genes, heredity, and the origins of life. However, amino acid sequencing is the real bridge that translates this DNA information into actual functions. Every protein in an organism is composed of amino acids, and the specific sequence of amino acids determines the shape and function of the protein. Therefore, understanding the amino acid sequence of proteins is crucial for biological research.
• The Hierarchy and Determination Methods of Protein Structure
The structure of proteins is a core area of biomolecular research because their structure is closely related to their function. The structure of proteins is usually divided into four levels: primary structure, secondary structure, tertiary structure, and quaternary structure. Primary Structure 1. The primary structure describes the amino acid sequence of the protein. 2. This continuous chain of amino acids is connected through peptide bonds.
• Protein N-terminal and C-terminal Sequencing Methods Analysis
Protein N-terminal and C-terminal sequencing are methods of analyzing the arrangement of amino acids in protein sequences, especially the starting and ending positions of the sequence. This sequencing can provide important information about the origins, structure, and functions of the protein. N-terminal Sequencing (Edman Degradation) Edman degradation is a classic method of protein N-terminal sequencing.
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