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    What Is the Use of Proteomics Modification

      Proteins, as the basic functional units of cell functions, are regulated by the genome, epigenetics, and post-translational modifications at multiple levels. Typically, proteins require varying degrees of modification after expression to function properly. The principle of post-translational modification (PTM) of proteins is to change the biochemical characteristics of proteins, and thereby regulating their functions, by adding chemical groups to one or more amino acid residues. This mode of modification can affect the stability, localization, interaction, and enzymatic activity of proteins. To date, over 400 PTMs have been identified, with common types including phosphorylation, ubiquitination, methylation, acetylation, glycosylation, SUMOylation, nitrosylation, oxidation, and others.


      Modified proteomics is a science dedicated to studying the chemical modifications that occur during the post-translational process of proteins. It plays an essential role in biological and medical research, mainly including:


      1. Unraveling Protein Functions

      Through the study of modified proteomics, we can gain a deeper understanding of how PTMs precisely regulate the structure and functions of proteins, thereby affecting a series of activities such as intracellular signal transduction, gene expression regulation, etc.


      2. Exploring Disease Mechanisms

      Many diseases' onset and progression are often related to aberrant PTMs. Modified proteomics provides us with key clues to unravel these disease mechanisms, helping us better understand the nature of diseases and offering new avenues for disease prevention and treatment.


      3. Basis for Drug Development

      The interaction between drugs and proteins is at the heart of drug development. By studying the interaction between PTMs and drugs, we can design more targeted and effective drugs. In addition, modified proteomics can also be used to assess the efficacy and side effects of drugs, providing an essential basis for drug development.


      4. Discovery of Biomarkers

      Through the study of modified proteomics, we can discover biomarkers closely related to diseases. These markers have significant value in the early diagnosis, disease monitoring, and prognosis evaluation of diseases, providing substantial support for clinical diagnosis and treatment.


      Modified proteomics plays an irreplaceable role in advancing life science development and promoting human health progress. With continuous technological advancements and methodological improvements, modified proteomics will undoubtedly reveal more of life's mysteries and make greater contributions to human health. MtoZ Biolabs offers phosphorylation/glycosylation/ubiquitination/acetylation/methylation/disulfide bonding/nitrosylation, and other post-translational modification identification services for researchers using Thermo Fisher's Q ExactiveHF mass spectrometry platform, Orbitrap Fusion mass spectrometry platform, Orbitrap Fusion Lumos mass spectrometry platform combined with Nano-LC. We welcome your inquiries.

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