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    2-Methylbutyric Acid Analysis Service

      2-Methylbutyric acid, also known as 2-methylbutanoic acid, is a branched-chain fatty acid with the molecular formula C₅H₁₀O₂. 2-Methylbutyric acid occurs naturally in various biological systems and is commonly found in the fermentation products of certain microorganisms. It plays a significant role in the flavor and fragrance industries due to its two stereoisomers: (S)-2-Methylbutyric acid, which imparts a fruity aroma, and (R)-2-Methylbutyric acid, which is associated with a pungent, cheesy odor. In industrial applications, precise quantification of this compound is essential for quality control in the production of flavors and fragrances.


      2-methylbutyric acid plays a role in metabolic pathways, particularly in the catabolism of amino acids like leucine. Its presence in biological fluids can be an important biomarker for metabolic disorders, such as isovaleric acidemia, which underscores its relevance in clinical diagnostics. In biomedical research, monitoring 2-methylbutyric acid levels can provide valuable insights into metabolic health and the diagnosis of inherited metabolic disorders. Furthermore, in environmental studies, its presence and concentration can indicate microbial activity and biodegradation processes.




      Figure 1. The Structure of 2-Methylbutyric Acid


      At MtoZ Biolabs, we provide an advanced 2-Methylbutyric Acid Analysis Service. Our state-of-the-art mass spectrometry platform, combined with years of expertise in metabolic profiling, enables us to accurately analyze the concentration of 2-Methylbutyric Acid in various sample types.


      Analysis Workflow




      Service Advantages

      • Extensive expertise in handling various biological samples and extracting metabolites.
      • State-of-the-art mass spectrometry platforms: HPLC-MS, LC-MS, GC-MS, MRM method. 
      • Strict quality control to ensure reliable results.
      • Comprehensive statistical and bioinformatics analysis.
      • Personalized service to meet various research needs.



      Our 2-Methylbutyric Acid Analysis Service can be applied in:

      • Disease Diagnostics: To diagnose genetic disorders like isovaleric acidemia.
      • Metabolomic Studies: To understand the role of 2-Methylbutyric Acid in human metabolism.
      • Drug Metabolism Studies: To study the metabolic fate of drugs in the human body.


      Sample Submission Requirements

      1. Sample Types

      Serum, plasma, urine, tissue, and other biological samples.


      2. Sample Volume

      At least 200 μL of liquid sample or 200 mg of solid sample.


      3. Sample Preservation

      Store at -80°C to maintain stability.


      Note: Please provide details about sample collection and handling.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on 2-Methylbutyric Acid Analysis

      4. Raw Data

      5. Custom Analysis Report


      For more information about our 2-Methylbutyric Acid Analysis Service, please contact us at MtoZ Biolabs. We are committed to providing the best service to meet your research needs.

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