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    28-Norcastasterone Analysis Service

      Brassinosteroids (BRs) are a group of important plant steroid hormones that are widely distributed across various plant parts, including roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits. These hormones have a steroidal structure composed of four interconnected rings, similar to animal steroid hormones. Different brassinosteroids have varying substituents at different positions on the steroidal structure, which affect their biological activity and function. Brassinosteroids exist in plants in various forms, including free and conjugated forms. Common brassinosteroids include castasterone, 24-epibrassinolide, and brassinolide. 28-Norcastasterone is a derivative of castasterone and is an active component found and studied in plants, belonging to the brassinosteroid class. 28-Norcastasterone has several biological functions, such as promoting plant growth, enhancing plant stress resistance, regulating plant development, and delaying plant senescence.


      Figure 1. The Structure of 28-Norcastasterone


      With proficiency in botany and mass spectrometry, MtoZ Biolabs provides an advanced 28-Norcastasterone Analysis Service, leveraging our state-of-the-art ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) platform. This service provides a comprehensive analysis of 28-norcastasterone, ensuring high sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy.


      Analysis Workflow



      Figure 2. Workflow for 28-Norcastasterone by UPLC-MS/MS Analysis


      Service Advantages

      1. Expert Team: Our team scientists have deep understanding and extensive experience in MS and metabolomics.


      2. Advanced Techniques: We employ state-of-the-art UPLC-MS/MS platforms that ensure high sensitivity and specificity of detection.


      3. Customizable Service: Our service is flexible to accommodate specific research needs and goals.


      4. Fast Turnaround Time: We strive to deliver results in a timely manner without compromising on the quality.


      5. Data Confidentiality: We strictly adhere to data security and confidentiality protocols.



      • Absolute quantification of 28-norcastasterone
      • Differential metabolites screening
      • Advanced analyses such as KEGG pathway analysis and hierarchical clustering


      Sample Submission Requirements

      1. Fresh plant tissues >2 g. Samples should be frozen in liquid nitrogen immediately after collection, and then transferred to -80°C for storage.


      2. Plant seeds >2 g.


      At least 3 biological replicates.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on 28-Norcastasterone

      4. Raw Data

      5. Custom Analysis Report


      Our 28-norcastasterone analysis service is designed to provide high-quality, reliable results that can facilitate your research and product development processes.

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