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    3-Indoleacetonitrile Analysis Service

      3-Indoleacetonitrile (IAN) is an organic compound belonging to the indole family, characterized by its aromatic structure with a nitrile functional group (-C≡N) attached to the indole ring. Structurally, it is composed of a fused bicyclic ring system consisting of a six-membered benzene ring and a five-membered nitrogen-containing pyrrole ring, with an acetonitrile side chain. This compound is a crucial metabolite implicated in the tryptophan-dependent indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) biosynthesis pathway in plants. IAN can be found in various plant species and serves as a precursor in the synthesis of other biologically active molecules.




      Figure 1. The Structure of 3-Indoleacetonitrile


      The study of 3-Indoleacetonitrile is of great significance in plant biology and agricultural research due to its role in auxin biosynthesis and its potential to influence plant developmental processes. Understanding the metabolism and function of IAN is essential for advancing knowledge in areas such as plant hormone regulation, stress response mechanisms, and crop improvement strategies. Additionally, detailed analysis of IAN can provide insights into its involvement in plant defense mechanisms and its interaction with other metabolic pathways.


      At MtoZ Biolabs, One of our specialized service is the 3-Indoleacetonitrile Analysis Service. We understand that metabolomic analysis of compounds such as IAN can be challenging due to their low abundance and chemical complexity. Using our advanced mass spectrometry platforms coupled with our specialized metabolomics data analysis pipelines, we provide comprehensive and accurate analysis of 3-Indoleacetonitrile and related metabolites.


      Analysis Workflow




      Service Advantages

      • Extensive expertise in handling plant samples and extracting metabolites.
      • State-of-the-art mass spectrometry platforms: HPLC-MS, UPLC-MS. 
      • Strict quality control to ensure reliable results.
      • Comprehensive statistical and bioinformatics analysis.
      • Personalized service to meet various research needs.



      Our 3-Indoleacetonitrile Analysis Service is applicable in fields such as plant physiology, agriculture, and crop improvement. It can provide key insights into IAA biosynthesis and plant growth regulation.


      Sample Submission Requirements

      • Sample Type: Plant tissues
      • Amount: At least 200 mg of fresh weight
      • Storage and Transport: Samples should be stored at -80℃ and shipped with dry ice.

      For detailed information on sample submission, please contact our customer service team.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on 3-Indoleacetonitrile Analysis

      4. Raw Data

      5. Custom Analysis Report


      For more detailed information, please contact our customer service. We are committed to providing the most efficient and high-quality services to aid your research.

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