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    3-oxo-2-(2-(Z)-Pentenyl)cyclopentane-1-hexanoic Acid Analysis Service

      3-oxo-2-(2-(Z)-Pentenyl)cyclopentane-1-hexanoic Acid (OPC-6) is a unique organic compound derived from the metabolism of jasmonic acid, a key plant hormone involved in regulating a variety of physiological responses, including growth, development, and defense mechanisms. This compound, which can be categorized within the broader class of cyclopentanone derivatives, is notable for its role in the intricate signaling pathways that govern plant stress responses, particularly those triggered by biotic factors such as herbivores and pathogens.


      Research into this compound is essential for advancing our understanding of the complex hormonal interactions that regulate plant defense mechanisms and overall plant health. By studying the levels and activity of 3-oxo-2-(2-(Z)-Pentenyl)cyclopentane-1-hexanoic Acid, researchers can uncover critical insights into how plants respond to environmental stressors, which can have significant implications for improving crop resilience and agricultural productivity.




      Figure 1. The Structure of 3-oxo-2-(2-(Z)-Pentenyl)cyclopentane-1-hexanoic Acid


      MtoZ Biolabs offers a specialized analysis service for 3-oxo-2-(2-(Z)-Pentenyl)cyclopentane-1-hexanoic Acid, employing cutting-edge HPLC-MS/MS technology to ensure precise quantification and detailed analysis of this compound. Our service is tailored to meet the needs of researchers, providing high-quality data and comprehensive support from our team of plant metabolomics experts. 


      Analysis Workflow




      Service Advantages

      • State-of-the-art HPLC-MS/MS systems
      • Highly experienced analytical team
      • Rigorous data analysis and quality control 
      • Comprehensive report with both raw data, processed data and interpretation of the results
      • Competitive pricing and fast turnaround time



      Our OPC-6 analysis service can be applied in:

      • Identification of plant stress bio-markers
      • Improvement in crop health and yield
      • Accelerate plant physiology research
      • Uncover new mechanisms in plant stress responses


      Sample Submission Requirements

      1. Sample Types

      • We can analyze a variety of biological materials, including but not limited to plant tissues.
      • For each sample, it is necessary to provide a minimum of 3 replicates with the same conditions.


      2. Sample Volume

      A minimum of 200 mg of plant tissues


      3. Sample Preservation

      Samples should be stored at -80°C to maintain stability.


      Note: Please provide detailed information on sample collection and handling.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on 3-oxo-2-(2-(Z)-Pentenyl)cyclopentane-1-hexanoic Acid

      4. Raw Data

      5. Custom Analysis Report


      At MtoZ Biolabs, we are dedicated to providing the best services to aid in your research. For more information about our 3-oxo-2-(2-(Z)-Pentenyl)cyclopentane-1-hexanoic Acid Analysis Service, please feel free to contact us.

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