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    Abscisic Acid (ABA) Analysis Service

      Abscisic Acid (ABA) is a key plant hormone that primarily regulates plant growth, development, stress response, and the mechanisms of seed dormancy and germination. It plays a crucial role in enabling plants to cope with environmental stresses such as drought and salinity. Accurate analysis of abscisic acid is not only vital for agricultural research but also for understanding plant adaptability mechanisms and improving crop varieties.



      Ali, S. et al. Agronomy. 2020.

      Figure1. Scheme of ABA Biosynthesis, Catabolism, and Conjugation Pathways


      ABA analysis primarily uses LC-MS, which allows for precise quantification and qualitative analysis of abscisic acid in samples through efficient chromatographic separation and sensitive mass spectrometric detection. This technique is particularly suitable for handling complex samples from plant tissues, effectively isolating abscisic acid from other biomolecules to ensure the accuracy and repeatability of the analysis.


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      MtoZ Biolabs offers an abscisic acid analysis service using LC-MS technology, providing researchers with accurate and reliable ABA measurements to support plant science research and agricultural innovation. Our services include:


      • Sample Submission: Clients submit plant tissue or liquid samples according to specified requirements.
      • Sample Pre-treatment: Includes extraction, purification, and necessary derivatization to optimize LC-MS analysis.
      • LC-MS Analysis: Samples are separated in a high-performance liquid chromatography system, then detected and analyzed by mass spectrometry.
      • Data Analysis and Reporting: Provides a detailed analytical report, including concentrations, distribution, and possible biological activities of abscisic acid.
      • Technical Support and Consultation: Offers professional data interpretation and recommendations for subsequent research or applications.





      • Agricultural Research: Analyzing the content of abscisic acid in crops to study its impact on crop stress resistance.
      • Biotechnology: Utilizing the regulatory mechanisms of abscisic acid in genetic engineering to improve crop varieties.
      • Environmental Science: Studying the variation of ABA in plants under natural conditions to understand their strategies for environmental adaptation.


      Service Advantages

      • Highly Efficient Sample Recovery and Processing
      • Accurate and Reliable Detection and Quantification
      • Capability to Handle Various Sample Types
      • Customized Data Analysis Services
      • Rapid Service Response and Cost-Effectiveness


      Sample Submission Requirements

      We can analyze a wide range of biological materials, including but not limited to plant tissues. If you need to transport samples to us, kindly follow the requirements for different sample types:


      • Plant tissues: 200mg per sample
      • Seeds: 100 seeds per sample
      • Shipping conditions: Dry ice



      1. Experimental scheme

      2. Instrumental factors of MS

      3. Original data files of MS and summary of MS data quality

      4. Bioinformatics analysis report


      Leveraging advanced ABA metabolic analysis LC-MS platform, professional bioinformatics analysis software, and a team of experienced technicians and scientists, MtoZ Biolabs offers tailor-made ABA metabolic analysis services. With a quick experimental process and easy-to-understand reports, we aim to accelerate your scientific research.

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