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    Acetaminophen Analysis Service

      Acetaminophen, also known as paracetamol, is a widely used analgesic and antipyretic medication. It is characterized by a relatively simple chemical structure, consisting of a hydroxyl group attached to an aromatic benzene ring and an amide group, which contributes to its pharmacological activity. Unlike nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), acetaminophen lacks significant anti-inflammatory properties, and its mechanism of action is primarily through inhibition of the cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes in the central nervous system, leading to reduced production of prostaglandins that cause pain and fever. Acetaminophen itself is metabolized primarily in the liver, where it undergoes phase I and phase II metabolic reactions. The primary metabolic pathways involve glucuronidation and sulfation to form water-soluble metabolites, which are excreted in urine. A minor pathway involves oxidation by the cytochrome P450 enzymes (mainly CYP2E1) to produce a reactive metabolite, N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine (NAPQI), which, in excessive amounts, can lead to hepatotoxicity if not adequately detoxified by glutathione.


      Metabolomics analysis of acetaminophen utilizes high-throughput techniques such as mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance to comprehensively study the dynamic changes and metabolic pathways of acetaminophen and its metabolites within the body. This analytical approach is essential for elucidating the biological functions of acetaminophen, optimizing its clinical applications, evaluating the effects of its overdose or toxicity on health, and promoting personalized medical interventions.



      Figure 1. The Structure of Acetaminophen


      MtoZ Biolabs provides a state-of-the-art Acetaminophen Analysis Service, supported by our superior liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) platform and skilled metabolomics team. Our service offers a thorough acetaminophen analysis, guaranteeing high sensitivity and precision.


      Analysis Workflow

      Our service includes a systematic workflow, from sample preparation to data analysis, ensuring the delivery of accurate and comprehensive results.




      Service Advantages

      • Advanced LC-MS platform: Our cutting-edge platform ensures high sensitivity and accuracy in the detection and quantification of acetaminophen.
      • Expert Team: Our experienced and knowledgeable metabolomics team ensure the accuracy and reliability of the results.
      • Comprehensive report: We provide a detailed analysis report including experimental procedures, LC-MS parameters, raw data and customized analysis.



      • Qualitative and quantitative analysis of acetaminophen in various biological matrices.
      • Pharmacokinetic studies of acetaminophen.
      • Metabolite profiling and identification in acetaminophen metabolism.


      Sample Submission Requirements

      1. Sample Types

      We accept multiple types of samples including serum, plasma, urine, tissues, etc. A minimum of 3 same-condition samples is required for each analysis.


      2. Sample Volume

      • Animal tissue ≥ 100 mg
      • Plant tissue ≥ 200 mg
      • Serum/ Plasma ≥ 200 μL
      • Urine ≥ 2 mL


      3. Sample Preservation

      Store samples at -80°C to ensure stability. Detailed information on sample collection and handling is required.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. LC-MS Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on Acetaminophen

      4. Raw Data

      5. Custom Analysis Report


      Through our Acetaminophen Analysis Service, we aim to support your research and product development by providing precise and reliable results.

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