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    Amino Acid Sequencing: Principles, Techniques, and Applications

      When we talk about DNA sequencing, people often think of genes, heredity, and the origins of life. However, amino acid sequencing is the real bridge that translates this DNA information into actual functions. Every protein in an organism is composed of amino acids, and the specific sequence of amino acids determines the shape and function of the protein. Therefore, understanding the amino acid sequence of proteins is crucial for biological research.


      The process of amino acid sequencing involves determining the exact order of amino acids in a protein. This can not only help scientists understand the function of the protein but also infer its three-dimensional structure, as the structure is closely related to function. For example, enzymes are a special type of protein that promotes chemical reactions in organisms. If we know the amino acid sequence of an enzyme, we can predict its activation site, and even possibly design specific inhibitors or activators.


      Amino acid sequencing involves identifying the amino acids on a polypeptide chain one by one and determining their order.


      MtoZ Biolabs Technology

      1. Edman Degradation

      A classic method of amino acid sequencing, which determines the sequence by progressively removing the N-terminal amino acid of a protein and identifying each removed amino acid.


      2. Mass Spectrometry

      A modern technique that breaks down proteins or polypeptides into smaller fragments, then uses a mass spectrometer to determine the mass and/or sequence of these fragments, ultimately reconstructing the entire amino acid sequence of the protein.


      Analysis Workflow

      1. Sample Preparation

      The purified protein or polypeptide sample is prepared for sequencing.


      2. Fragmentation

      For larger proteins, they are usually first cut into smaller fragments using enzymes or chemical methods before sequencing.


      3. Sequencing

      Use Edman degradation or mass spectrometry techniques to determine the order of amino acids.


      4. Data Analysis

      The collected data are analyzed to reconstruct the entire amino acid sequence of the protein.



      1. Research on Protein Structure and Function

      2. Protein Identification and Characterization

      3. Study of Protein Interactions

      4. Drug Discovery and Disease Research

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