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    Amino Sugar and Nucleotide Sugar Metabolism Service

      Amino sugars and nucleotide sugars are essential components in the biosynthesis of glycoproteins, glycolipids, and glycosaminoglycans, which play crucial roles in cell signaling, structural integrity, and immune response. Amino sugars, such as glucosamine and galactosamine, are key building blocks in the formation of complex carbohydrates. Nucleotide sugars, including UDP-glucose and GDP-mannose, act as activated sugar donors in glycosylation processes. These metabolites are pivotal in maintaining cellular functions and are involved in various metabolic pathways.


      Researching amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism is critical for understanding disease mechanisms, such as metabolic disorders, cancer, and infectious diseases. It also provides insights into the development of therapeutic agents targeting glycosylation pathways. MtoZ Biolabs offers a comprehensive Amino Sugar and Nucleotide Sugar Metabolism Service, utilizing advanced analytical techniques to provide detailed metabolic profiling. This service supports research and development in healthcare and biotechnology, enabling breakthroughs in understanding and manipulating these complex metabolic processes.


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      With a rich experience in mass spectrometry and metabolomics, MtoZ Biolabs is a trusted partner in the scientific community. Our team of experts is dedicated to ensuring the highest quality data and results for your research. We're confident in our abilities to deliver valuable data for your research, making MtoZ Biolabs the ideal choice for your metabolomics needs.


      Our Amino Sugar and Nucleotide Sugar Metabolism Service is based on HPLC-MS platforms, which are capable of generating precise, reliable, and reproducible data. The process begins with sample preparation, followed by HPLC-MS analysis. We then employ various software for data processing, normalization, and statistical analysis. The end results are clear, interpretable data sets that provide deeper insights into amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism.


      Analysis Workflow




      Service Advantages

      • Advanced HPLC-MS equipment with high sensitivity and accuracy 
      • Comprehensive data analysis supported by a team of experienced analysts
      • Strict quality control to ensure reliable results
      • Personalized service to meet various research needs



      Our service can be applied to various research areas, including but not limited to:

      • Drug Discovery and Development
      • Biomarker Identification
      • Nutritional research
      • Disease pathogenesis studies


      Sample Submission Requirements

      • We accept various types of samples including plasma, serum, tissue, cells, and urine.
      • Please ensure your submitted sample surpasses 0.5 g or 0.5 mL.
      • Samples should be stored in a -80℃ environment and transported on dry ice.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on Amino Sugar and Nucleotide Sugar Metabolism Analysis

      4. Mass Spectrometry Images

      5. Raw Data


      In summary, our Amino Sugar and Nucleotide Sugar Metabolism Service can provide you with the high-quality data and insights you need to advance your research. Contact MtoZ Biolabs today for more information or to begin your project.

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