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    Analysis of Free Toxins in ADC Drugs

      Antibody-Drug Conjugates (ADC) are effective target therapy drugs for tumors, composed of monoclonal antibodies with specific targeting effects, small molecule cytotoxins with strong cell killing power, and their connectors. The key feature of ADC drugs is the combination of highly selective monoclonal antibodies with toxic drugs through chemical connection. Given the significant therapeutic effect, superior safety, potential synergistic effects of combined therapy, and a large number of potential patients of ADC drugs, they are currently widely used to treat various cancers. However, in ADC drugs, there may be a certain proportion of free toxins, that is, unbound drug molecules. The presence of free toxins may lead to non-specific cytotoxicity and adverse reactions of the drug, so it is crucial to accurately analyze and control the content of free toxins.


      In the analysis of the content of free toxins in ADC drugs, the commonly used analysis method is High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The HPLC method separates the ADC drug sample into different components, and then uses a fluorescence detector or ultraviolet detector to determine the content of free toxins. The HPLC method is simple to operate, highly sensitive, and widely used in the analysis of free toxins in ADC drugs. Another commonly used method is Mass Spectrometry (MS). Mass spectrometry can accurately determine the content of free toxins in ADC drugs by analyzing the mass and charge state of free toxin molecules. Mass spectrometry has high resolution, high accuracy, and high sensitivity. It can detect low concentrations of free toxins and provide structural identification information.


      MtoZ Biolabs Biotechnology provides customers with drug quality research services that comply with global pharmaceutical regulations. MtoZ Biolabs provides efficient and quick ADC drug free toxin analysis service technology packages based on advanced high-quality mass spectrometry platforms and professional analysis teams. Feel free to consult.

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