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    Analysis of Thermal Stability of Recombinant Protein Drugs

      Recombinant protein drugs refer to protein products that originate from animals or plants and are developed through biotechnology research. These products possess certain biological activities and are capable of preventing, treating, and diagnosing diseases in humans, animals, and plants. Compared to small molecule drugs, recombinant protein drugs have the advantages of high activity, high specificity, and low toxicity, and are thus highly favored by researchers. At present, recombinant protein drugs are widely used in various fields such as tumors, autoimmune diseases, metabolic diseases, aging-related diseases, and degenerative diseases. The thermal stability of recombinant protein drugs refers to the stability of their structure and function under high temperature conditions. The study of the thermal stability of recombinant protein drugs helps deepen our understanding of the structure and function of protein drugs. Besides, studying the thermal stability of recombinant protein drugs plays a crucial role in ensuring their stability during preparation, storage, and transport.


      Currently, common methods for analyzing the thermal stability of recombinant protein drugs include Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Circular Dichroism (CD), fluorescence spectroscopy, and Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC). Among them, DSC is the gold standard technology for characterizing protein thermal stability, used to measure the thermodynamic property changes of proteins during heating. DSC experiments can provide information such as the melting point (Tm) and heat capacity (Cp) of proteins to assess their thermal stability.


      MtoZ Biolabs provides a one-stop service for the thermal stability analysis of recombinant protein drugs. Simply tell us your experimental objectives and send your samples, and MtoZ Biolabs takes care of the rest, including sample processing, machine analysis, data analysis, and project reporting.

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