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    Animal Genetics Breeding Metabolomics Services

      Animal genetics breeding focuses on selecting and mating individuals with favorable traits to enhance the genetic quality of offspring, ultimately improving productivity, adaptability, and disease resistance. Throughout this process, shifts in metabolism and metabolic products reflect gene expression and environmental adaptation. Metabolomics, a key tool in systems biology, enables a comprehensive exploration of the metabolic networks involved in genetic selection and breeding. By analyzing the metabolome in-depth, it is possible to identify metabolic biomarkers associated with economically important traits, providing scientific support for breeding decisions and optimizing breeding strategies.


      MtoZ Biolabs offers Animal Genetics Breeding Metabolomics Services using high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS). This advanced method combines the separation capabilities of HPLC with the detection power of MS, ensuring high sensitivity and specificity in metabolites detection.


      Analysis Workflow




      Service Advantages

      1. High Sensitivity and Precision

      HPLC-MS/MS technology offers highly sensitive and accurate measurements, capable of detecting low-abundance metabolites.


      2. Rapid and Efficient

      Optimized sample preparation and fast analysis ensure efficient sample handling and quick results.


      3. Broad Applicability

      Suitable for analyzing various animal samples, including blood, tissues, and urine, from different genetic backgrounds.


      4. Accurate and Reliable Data

      Ensures high reproducibility and low error rates, supporting scientific research and applications with reliable and specific results.


      Sample Submission Requirements

      Make sure the sample volume is greater than 0.2 g or 0.2 mL. For detailed sample submission information, please contact our customer service.



      1. Genetic Selection Research: Uncover changes in metabolic networks during genetic selection, identifying biomarkers linked to desirable traits.


      2. Breeding Strategy Optimization: Enhance breeding efficiency and improve production performance by optimizing strategies through metabolomics analysis.


      3. Disease Resistance Research: Explore metabolic differences in animals from various genetic backgrounds, uncovering pathways related to disease resistance and aiding in the selection of resistant breeds.


      4. Environmental Adaptability Research: Investigate how animals metabolically adapt to various environmental stresses, exploring gene-environment interactions and optimizing breeding management.


      5. Basic Biological Research: Study metabolic pathway alterations during genetic breeding to deepen understanding of gene regulation and metabolic function.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on Metabolites

      4. Raw Data

      5. Custom Analysis Report

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