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    Animal Untargeted Lipidomics Service

      Lipidomics is an essential field within metabolomics, dedicated to the comprehensive study of all lipid molecules in biological systems, such as fluids, cells, and tissues. These lipid molecules are not only fundamental components of biological membranes but also play crucial roles in energy storage and cellular signaling. Accurately identifying and quantifying these lipid molecules is vital for a deep understanding of cellular physiological and pathological mechanisms. With the advancements in High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (HPLC-MS), we can now detect various lipids more quickly and sensitively.


      In mass spectrometry-based workflows, non-targeted lipidomics approaches are particularly significant. This method can analyze hundreds of lipids in a single sample, thus assessing medical risks, identifying potential new biomarkers, and exploring the molecular basis of diseases. The applications of non-targeted lipidomics are extremely broad, encompassing biomarker discovery, human disease research, clinical diagnostics, drug development, food safety assessments, newborn screening, and studies in nutrition and systems biology.


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      Utilizing mature separation, characterization, identification, and quantification techniques, MtoZ Biolabs offers a range of integrated non-targeted lipidomics services for animals. These services can qualitatively and quantitatively analyze a large number of lipid classes in a single experiment, thoroughly investigating the lipid species in biological samples. Our goal is to provide fast, reliable, and cost-effective solutions for various scientific purposes. Our services include: 

      1. Sample processing: Including lipid separation and extraction.
      2. Lipid analysis: Using LC-MS technology for qualitative and quantitative analysis of lipids.
      3. Data processing analysis: Including identification and quantification of lipid species, analysis of lipid metabolic pathways.




      Service Advantages

      1. Comprehensive: It can comprehensively cover various lipid categories in biological samples.
      2. High sensitivity: LC-MS technology has high sensitivity and can detect lipids with low abundance.
      3. Accurate: It can accurately identify and quantify lipid species.



      1. Disease research: Reveal the role of lipids in the occurrence and development of diseases.
      2. Drug development: Discover new drug targets, evaluate the efficacy and side effects of drugs.


      Sample Submission Requirements



      Equipped with state-of-the-art mass spectrometry for lipid analysis, advanced bioinformatics tools, and a team of seasoned technicians and scientists, MtoZ Biolabs offer tailored non-targeted lipidomics services. Our services are designed with rapid experimental workflows and clear report formats to efficiently support your scientific endeavors. For more information about our services, please contact us anytime.

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