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    Antheraxanthin Dipalmitate Analysis Service

      Antheraxanthin dipalmitate is a significant carotenoid ester primarily found in specific plants and algae. It forms by esterifying antheraxanthin with two palmitic acid molecules, enhancing its stability and functionality within cellular membranes. As a potent antioxidant, antheraxanthin dipalmitate neutralizes free radicals, reducing oxidative stress-induced cellular damage. Research shows it has significant bioactivity in photoprotection, anti-inflammation, and immune modulation, protecting plants and other organisms from environmental stress and pathogens. Additionally, antheraxanthin dipalmitate is used as a natural colorant and nutritional additive in the food industry, showing broad application potential. Therefore, accurately measuring its content is essential for plant physiology research, food nutrition analysis, and clinical diagnostics.



      Figure 1. Molecular Structure of Antheraxanthin Dipalmitate


      MtoZ Biolabs offers Antheraxanthin Dipalmitate Analysis Service using ultra-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS). This advanced method combines the separation capabilities of UPLC with the detection power of MS, ensuring high sensitivity and specificity in antheraxanthin dipalmitate detection.


      Analysis Workflow




      Service Advantages




      Sample Submission Requirements

      Sample Types

      Serum, plasma, urine, tissue homogenates, food samples, etc.


      Sample Volume

      At least 200 μL of liquid sample or 200 mg of solid sample.


      Sample Storage

      Store at -80°C to maintain stability.


      Note: Provide details on sample collection and handling.



      Plant Physiology Research: Investigate the role of Antheraxanthin Dipalmitate in plant photoprotection and antioxidation, exploring plant responses to environmental stress.


      Food Nutrition Analysis: Analyze Antheraxanthin Dipalmitate content in foods and nutritional supplements, evaluating its potential health benefits for humans.


      Pharmaceutical Research: Evaluate the potential role of Antheraxanthin Dipalmitate in preventing and treating chronic diseases, supporting new drug development.


      Basic Biological Research: Explore the mechanisms of Antheraxanthin Dipalmitate in cellular antioxidation, anti-inflammation, and immune modulation, understanding its biological functions in organisms.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on Antheraxanthin Dipalmitate

      4. Raw Data

      5. Custom Analysis Report


      Our Antheraxanthin Dipalmitate Analysis Service provides high-quality data support, advancing your scientific research and applications. For any inquiries or requirements, please contact us.

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