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    Brassinosteroid (BR) Analysis Service

      Brassinosteroids (BRs) are a group of plant hormones essential for plant growth and development. They are steroidal phytohormones and play crucial roles in a wide range of developmental processes, including cell elongation, division, differentiation, senescence, flowering and fruit development. BRs also have significant involvement in biotic and abiotic stress responses in plants. Any alterations in BR levels can profoundly influence plant physiology, making their accurate measurement critical for plant science research.


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      At MtoZ Biolabs, we provide a robust, reliable, and cost-effective solution for the determination of Brassinosteroids in various samples using our advanced LC-MS platform. Our service is designed to expedite your research objectives, from disease diagnostics to gaining novel insights into disease mechanisms or therapeutics. The experimental procedure includes four main steps: sample collection, metabolite extraction, HPLC-MS data analysis, and bioinformatics analysis. Our service will be customized according to specific samples and needs to achieve the best results.




      Service Advantages

      • Highly Efficient Sample Recovery and Processing
      • Accurate and Reliable Detection and Quantification
      • Capability to Handle Various Sample Types
      • Customized Data Analysis Services
      • Rapid Service Response and Cost-Effectiveness



      1. Experimental scheme

      2. Instrument factors of MS

      3. Raw data files of MS and MS data quality summary

      4. Bioinformatics analysis report


      With our advanced Brassinosteroid metabolite determination LC-MS platform, professional bioinformatics analysis software, and experienced technicians and scientists, MtoZ Biolabs provides customized Brassinosteroid metabolite analysis services with fast experimental procedures and easy-to-read reports to accelerate your scientific research.

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