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    Camphor Analysis Service

      Camphor is a waxy, flammable substance that is white and transparent with a strong aroma. It is found in the wood of the camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora), a large evergreen tree found in Asia. Camphor has been used for many centuries as a culinary spice, a component of incense, and as a medicine. Camphor is used in a variety of applications, including as an insect repellent, in traditional medicine, and in the production of celluloid. Understanding the metabolic profile of camphor can offer significant insights into its bioavailability, bioactivity, and safety profile.




      Figure 1. The Structure of Camphor


      Technical Principles

      Here at MtoZ Biolabs, we utilize advanced Mass Spectrometry-based technologies for camphor analysis. Our service includes both qualitative and quantitative analysis using GC-MS/MS, LC-MS/MS and NMR technologies. These technologies enable us to detect and measure camphor in a variety of sample types with high sensitivity and specificity.


      Analysis Workflow




      Service Advantages

      • Expert Team: A team consists of Ph.D.-level scientists with vast experience in mass spectrometry and metabolomics ensures the delivery of exceptional results.
      • Advanced Technologies: Advanced GC-MS/MS, LC-MS/MS, and NMR technologies provide high sensitivity and accuracy.
      • Comprehensive Report: Provides a detailed report including experimental procedures, instrument parameters, and analysis results, which can be used for academic purposes or regulatory submissions.
      • Customer-Centric Approach: Personalized service to meet various research needs.



      Our camphor analysis service can be applied in various fields, such as:

      • Environmental Monitoring
      • Food and Beverage Industry
      • Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Industry
      • Traditional Medicine Research


      Sample Submission Requirements

      • For biological samples, we require at least 0.2 ml of plasma, urine, or cell culture medium, or 200 mg of tissue.
      • For non-biological samples, the sample size depends on the nature of the sample. Please contact us to discuss the specifics.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on Camphor Analysis

      4. Raw Data

      5. Custom Analysis Report


      To request our camphor analysis service, please contact us. Our experts are ready to assist you with your research needs.

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