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    Capillary Gel Electrophoresis Purity Analysis of Peptide Drugs

      Peptide drugs are a class of medications primarily composed of peptides and are widely used in treating various diseases, such as cancer, autoimmune diseases, and infectious diseases. Peptide drugs possess high specificity and bioactivity, but their efficacy and safety are closely related to their purity. Therefore, highly efficient, precise, and sensitive analytical techniques are crucial for evaluating the purity of peptide drugs. During the development of peptide drugs, low-purity medications may lead to unstable efficacy and an increase in side effects. By using CE-SDS, we can identify and quantify impurities in the drug, such as degradation products and aggregates, thereby assessing the drug's quality.


      CE-SDS purity analysis primarily utilizes the principle of electrophoresis, where peptide molecules of different sizes and charge states migrate through a gel-filled capillary under the influence of an electric field, enabling their separation. Smaller molecules migrate faster, resulting in different positions on the gel, thereby achieving molecular separation and size identification. CE-SDS purity analysis not only assesses the purity of peptide drugs but also provides information on the molecular size and charge state of the peptides, aiding in various stages of drug development and quality control. The method of peptide drug purity analysis using capillary gel electrophoresis (CE-SDS) is simple, cost-effective, and highly sensitive in determining protein components in samples, making it one of the commonly used techniques for protein purity analysis.


      Based on the company's established physicochemical analysis platform and structural characterization platform, MtoZ Biolabs offers a range of services for the characterization of peptide drug purity, including the detection of contaminants, peptide variants, isomers, S-S chain mismatches, degraded peptides, peptide modifications, peptide aggregates, and peptide precursors.


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