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    Capillary Isoelectric Focusing (CIEF) Analysis of Peptide Drugs

      Peptide drugs are bioactive molecules composed of multiple amino acids connected by peptide bonds. Typically, they are made up of 10~100 amino acids, with a relative molecular mass less than 10,000. Most peptide drugs are derived from endogenous peptides or natural peptides, so they have little or no side effects on the human body. Compared with protein drugs, peptide drugs also have advantages such as good stability, high purity, low production cost, and low immunogenicity. Combined with the rapid development and maturity of peptide synthesis technology, peptide drugs have become the focus of biopharmaceutical research in recent years. Currently, peptide drugs are widely used in the diagnosis and treatment of tumors, autoimmune diseases, certain cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc., with broad application prospects. However, in the research and production process of peptide drugs, precise analysis must be performed to determine their purity, structure, charge, and other characteristics to ensure their efficacy and safety. Capillary Isoelectric Focusing (cIEF) analysis is an important peptide drug analysis technique.


      Capillary electrophoresis (CE), also known as high-performance capillary electrophoresis (HPCE), has six separation modes, one of which is capillary isoelectric focusing. cIEF is to transfer conventional isoelectric focusing electrophoresis into a capillary. Capillary Isoelectric Focusing (cIEF) separates the components in the sample according to their isoelectric point (pI) by applying an electric field to the sample. Currently, cIEF is also widely used in peptide drug analysis.


      cIEF has many advantages for peptide drug analysis. Firstly, cIEF can perform high-resolution and high-sensitivity analysis of peptide drugs, so it can be used to determine the purity and impurities of peptide drugs. Secondly, since cIEF is based on separation at the isoelectric point, it can provide information about the charge characteristics of peptide drugs, which is very valuable for understanding the structure, stability, and interaction mode of peptide drugs with targets. Finally, compared with traditional liquid chromatography techniques, cIEF has a shorter analysis time and consumes fewer reagents and samples.


      MtoZ Biolabs provides drug quality research services that comply with global drug regulatory regulations for customers. We provide one-stop peptide drug capillary isoelectric focusing analysis services. You only need to tell us your experimental purpose and send the samples, and MtoZ Biolabs is responsible for all subsequent projects, including sample processing, machine analysis, data analysis and project reports.

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