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    Chiral Isomer Analysis of Peptide Drugs

      Peptide drugs are bioactive molecules made up of multiple amino acids connected by peptide bonds. Generally, they are composed of 10~100 amino acids, with a relative molecular weight less than 10,000. Peptide drugs have shown tremendous potential in the treatment of various diseases, such as cancer, autoimmune diseases, and metabolic diseases. Due to their ability to interact precisely with biomolecules through specific amino acid sequences and spatial conformations, they often have a high degree of selectivity and potency, while reducing non-specific actions and associated side effects.


      Chirality refers to the property of a molecule that cannot coincide with its mirror isomer. In drug molecules, different chiral isomers (or enantiomers) may exhibit completely different activities in biological systems. For example, different configurations of a chiral center may lead to different drug effects or toxicity. Therefore, precise analysis and control of the chiral isomers of peptide drugs is crucial to ensure the safety and efficacy of the drugs.


      Chiral analysis mainly relies on high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and capillary electrophoresis (CE). HPLC is a common method of chiral analysis. By using chiral stationary phases, different chiral isomers of peptides can be separated and quantitatively analyzed. Capillary electrophoresis is also a commonly used technique for chiral drug analysis. It separates drugs based on the different migration speeds of different chiral drugs in an electric field. Modern analytical tools, such as tandem mass spectrometry techniques (LC-MS or CE-MS), can provide qualitative and quantitative information for the chiral analysis of peptides, further improving the accuracy and sensitivity of chiral analysis.


      Based on our existing experimental platform, MtoZ Biolabs offers you a one-stop service for the analysis of chiral isomers of peptide drugs. Just tell us your experimental purpose and send the sample, and we will be responsible for all subsequent parts of the project, including sample processing, machine analysis, data analysis, and project reporting. Feel free to consult.

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