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    Chlorophyll Analysis Service

      Chlorophyll, this green pigment, is found universally in various photosynthetic organisms, including types such as chlorophylls a, b, c, d, and f, as well as those specific to bacteria. This pigment primarily absorbs red and blue light but appears green because it reflects green light. The chlorophyll molecule consists of a porphyrin ring (the core structure), a phytol chain (extension part), and a central magnesium atom, enabling it to absorb visible light. It is an indispensable part of plant photosynthesis and crucial for Earth's carbon cycle. Additionally, chlorophyll offers various health benefits to humans, including participating in hematopoietic functions, providing essential vitamins, maintaining enzyme activity, detoxification, and enhancing immunity.


      Research on chlorophyll helps understand the growth and development processes of plants, including differentiation, maturation, aging, and cell apoptosis during their life cycles. This research also involves exploring how plants respond to biotic and abiotic stresses and their applications in medicine and health, such as detoxification and disease resistance.



      Martins, T. et al. Molecules. 2023.

      Figure1. Bioactive Poperties and Health Benefits of Chlorophyll


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      Mass spectrometry, particularly targeted metabolomics, due to its sensitivity and precision, has become the preferred method for analyzing chlorophyll. With years of technical experience, MtoZ Biolabs offers precise chlorophyll quantification and qualification services, ensuring the accuracy and depth of research. Our services include the preparation of standard substances, sample mass spectrometry analysis, data preprocessing, precise quantification of target metabolites, and more advanced data analysis techniques such as PCA and cluster analysis, even including metabolite screening and pathway analysis.






      √ Plant physiology research

      By analyzing the changes of chlorophyll in plants under different environmental conditions, the influence of the environment on plant growth can be revealed, providing a basis for plant physiology research.


      √ Agriculture

      Analysis of chlorophyll can assess the nutritional status of plants, guide agricultural production, and improve crop yield and quality.


      √ Environmental science

      By analyzing the content of chlorophyll, the health of the environment can be evaluated, providing important evidence for environmental science research.


      √ Biomedical

      Chlorophyll is also applied in the field of biomedicine, such as a photosensitizer in tumor photodynamic therapy, and its analysis is of great significance for drug development.


      Sample Submission Requirements


      1. Sample types


      Chlorophyll analysis can be performed on a variety of sample types, including:


      a. Plant specimens: such as leaves, stems, fruits, etc.


      b. Bacterial samples: such as chlorophyll-containing bacterial culture fluid.


      c. Environmental samples: such as samples collected from suspected chlorophyll-contaminated water bodies or soil.


      2. Sample storage

      Samples should be stored under light-avoiding, dry, and frozen conditions to maintain the stability of chlorophyll. It is generally recommended that samples be analyzed as soon as possible after extraction to avoid chlorophyll degradation.


      MtoZ Biolabs provides a variety of methods for metabolomics research, providing accurate and detailed data and analysis reports. We can also customize methods or establish new methods with our collaborators to suit your purpose and meet your specific needs. If you have any questions or specific requirements, please feel free to contact us.

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