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    Chlorophyll d Analysis Service

      Chlorophyll d is a unique type of chlorophyll found in purple sulfur bacteria, which live in marine environments and can perform photosynthesis under relatively low light conditions. The structure of chlorophyll d is similar to other types of chlorophyll, but its peak absorption spectrum is in the infrared region, allowing purple sulfur bacteria to utilize infrared light from the sun for photosynthesis. This attribute makes chlorophyll d of significant scientific value for understanding how organisms adapt and utilize different light environments, mechanisms of photosynthesis, and the design and optimization of artificial photosynthesis systems.



      Figure1. Chlorophyll d Molecular Structure


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs


      At MtoZ Biolabs, we offer comprehensive chlorophyll d analysis services, including qualitative and quantitative analysis of chlorophyll d using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). LC-MS is a highly sensitive and specific analytical technique that can detect and quantify trace amounts of chlorophyll d in complex biological samples.



      Figure2. Chlorophyll d Analysis Workflow




      • Unordered List Environmental and Ecological Studies: Investigate the distribution and activity of purple sulfur bacteria under different environmental conditions and their role in the global carbon cycle.


      • Unordered List Biophysical and Chemical Studies: Understand the photochemical properties and mechanisms of photosynthesis of chlorophyll d.


      • Unordered List Photonic Energy Conversion Technologies: Improve and design artificial photosynthesis systems that utilize infrared light for energy conversion.


      • Unordered List Biotechnology and Agricultural Research: Introduce chlorophyll d into other photosynthetic organisms using genetic engineering techniques to improve their survival and productivity in low-light environments.


      Sample Submission Requirements


      1. Sample Types

      Chlorophyll d analysis can be performed on various types of samples, including:


      a. Environmental samples such as seawater, sediments, and biofilms.


      b. Cellular and tissue samples such as cells and tissues of purple sulfur bacteria.


      c. Purified chlorophyll d samples, such as chlorophyll d purified by chromatographic techniques.


      2. Sample Storage

      Samples should be stored in the dark at -20°C or -80°C to avoid degradation and oxidation of chlorophyll d. The samples should be as fresh as possible and analyzed as soon as possible after collection.


      MtoZ Biolabs provides a variety of methods for metabolomics research, offering accurate and detailed data and analysis reports. We can also customize methods or develop new methods with our collaborators to suit purposes and meet your specific needs. If you have any questions or specific requirements, please feel free to contact us.

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