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    cIEF Based Charge Heterogeneity Analysis Service

      Charge heterogeneity is a key attribute of biomolecules such as antibody, enzyme, and protein, affecting the molecule's stability, solubility, and biological activity. Changes of deamidation, oxidation, glycosylation, glycation, the N- or C-terminal, loss of three-dimensional structure, or reduction of disulfide bonds may lead to changes in charge heterogeneity. Since charge heterogeneity directly or indirectly affects the efficacy and safety of biomolecules, the analysis of charge heterogeneity occupies an important position in the research and development and production of biopharmaceuticals.


      Capillary isoelectric focusing (cIEF) is an advanced technique specifically used for analyzing charge heterogeneity. It employs a capillary as the medium, creating a pH gradient and applying an electric field to achieve a refined analysis of charge heterogeneity by migrating protein or peptide molecules to their isoelectric points. Thereby . cIEF is widely used in the analysis of protein isoelectric points, charge heterogeneity, and protein modifications due to its high-efficiency and high-resolution capability.



      Figure 1. MtoZ Biolabs's Charge Heterogeneity Analysis Based on cIEF


      MtoZ Biolabs has established a platform for the separation and comprehensive characterization analysis of charge variants, providing you with comprehensive and accurate cIEF charge heterogeneity analysis services. Whether you are focused on minute charge variants or need a comprehensive analysis of the entire molecule group, BTP can provide solutions that meet your needs. Free consultation is available.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Experimental Parameters

      3. Detailed Information on Charge Heterogeneity Analysis Based on cIEF

      4. Electrophoresis Images

      5. Raw Data

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