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    Circular Dichroism Analysis of Peptide Drugs

      Peptide drugs refer to a category of drugs that use peptides for the treatment of diseases. As one of the hotspots in drug development, peptide drugs have significant efficacy, strong specificity, and low toxicity. They are widely used in the treatment of various diseases, including metabolic diseases, neurological diseases, immune diseases, and tumors. The development and preparation process of peptide drugs usually includes several steps, such as target selection, peptide sequence design, chemical synthesis, purification, and quality control. Circular dichroism detection, as an important technology for studying the structure and conformation of optically active molecules, can be applied to multiple steps in the development and preparation process of peptide drugs. For example, it can be used for the quality control of peptide drugs to ensure consistency between drug batches.


      Circular dichroism technology can simultaneously measure the absorption or rotation of samples to left and right circularly polarized light, obtaining the circular dichroism spectrum of the sample. Based on the shape, characteristic peaks, and absorption or rotation intensity of the circular dichroism spectrum, the structure and conformation changes of the sample can be determined. Circular dichroism detection of peptide drugs can provide information about the structure and conformation of peptide drugs, providing important support for the research and development, quality control, and efficacy evaluation of peptide drugs.


      MtoZ Biolabs provides customers with drug quality research services that comply with global pharmaceutical regulations. We use advanced circular dichroism spectrometers to provide professional circular dichroism detection services for analyzing and determining the spatial conformation of peptide drugs.


      Compared with traditional methods, this technology has several advantages:

      1. Short measurement time, convenient and efficient.

      2. Very small sample size is required, and it can be measured in dilute solutions.

      3. There is no limit to molecular weight or size; 4. Highly sensitive to changes in secondary and tertiary structures, able to detect minor changes.

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