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    Circular Dichroism Detection of Recombinant Protein Drugs

      Recombinant protein drugs are protein therapeutic drugs produced using DNA recombination technology or other biotechnologies. They include cytokines, polypeptide hormones, recombinant enzymes, monoclonal antibodies, fusion proteins, etc. Compared with traditional low-molecular synthetic drugs, recombinant protein drugs have the advantages of high specificity, low toxicity, and significant therapeutic effects. In addition, recombinant protein drugs can be used in combination with small molecule drugs to provide additional or synergistic benefits. In the research and development and quality control of recombinant protein drugs, the stability of the protein's secondary structure is very important. A common method for detecting protein secondary structure is Circular Dichroism (CD) detection. CD detection of recombinant protein drugs can not only reflect the structural stability of the protein but also be used to monitor possible structural changes in recombinant proteins during preparation and storage.


      The CD detection method is based on the phenomenon of polarized light rotation caused by the different propagation speeds of left and right circularly polarized light when passing through certain optically active molecules (such as proteins). By analyzing the circular dichroism spectrum of proteins at different wavelengths, the secondary structure of the protein can be inferred, such as α-helix, β-fold, and random curling, etc. The equipment for CD detection is mainly a circular dichroism spectrometer, which can measure the circular dichroism signals of substances at different wavelengths and generate a circular dichroism spectrum.


      MtoZ Biolabs provides drug quality research services that comply with global pharmaceutical regulations for customers. We use advanced circular dichroism spectrometers to provide professional circular dichroism detection services for analyzing and determining the spatial configuration conformation of recombinant protein drugs. Compared with traditional methods, this technology has several advantages: 1. Short measurement time, simple and efficient; 2. Requires a very small amount of sample and can be measured in dilute solutions; 3. No molecular weight or size restrictions; 4. Highly sensitive to secondary and tertiary structural changes, able to detect minor changes.

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