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    COG Analysis of Proteomics

      COG (Clusters of Orthologous Groups of proteins) represents a systematic classification framework designed to categorize proteins in bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes. COG analysis of protein profiles is primarily employed to assess the functional and evolutionary characteristics of protein sequences, grouping them into distinct categories based on orthology.


      The COG database is a comprehensive repository of protein profiles across multiple species, wherein protein sequences are grouped according to their homology. Such organization enables the analysis of protein evolutionary trajectories and their interrelationships.


      Workflow of COG Analysis

      1. Protein Sequence Preparation

      The initial step involves preparing the protein sequences for analysis. These sequences may be derived from experimental datasets or publicly available bioinformatics databases.


      2. Sequence Alignment

      The protein sequences are aligned against the COG database using tools such as BLAST or comparable sequence alignment software.


      3. COG Classification

      The aligned sequences are then categorized into their respective COG classifications based on alignment results.


      4. Functional Annotation

      Functional annotations are derived by associating the protein sequences with their assigned COG categories.


      Applications of COG Analysis

      COG analysis serves as a powerful tool for elucidating protein functions and their evolutionary origins. Furthermore, it aids in the discovery of novel proteins with unknown functions and facilitates functional prediction. For example, specific COG categories may be identified as overrepresented in certain species or under particular environmental or physiological conditions, suggesting critical roles for these proteins in those contexts. In biomedical research, COG analysis is frequently utilized to identify disease-associated proteins. By comparing COG profiles between disease and healthy samples, significant shifts in COG category representation can be observed, offering insights into disease mechanisms and potential therapeutic targets.


      MtoZ Biolabs, an integrated chromatography and mass spectrometry (MS) services provider.

      Related Services

      COG Functional Annotation Analysis Service

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